Episode 10: [7 Years Ago]

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Season One

Episode Ten:

| 7 years Ago |

The hospital doors slamed opened. The sound of wheels rolling on the marbled floor as four medics with white coats hurriedly pushed the stretcher in which Minho was lying down on.

A wave of panic entered the atmosphere in the hospital. Several nurses ran along to help.

"Move!" The somewhat crowded waiting area filled with patients and visitors were blocking the path. They quickly made way for the injured individual.

One medic's hand was holding a cloth soaked with Minho's blood as they put pressure on Minho's hip of where he was shot. They rushed through the halls to get to the emergency room.

"Minho!" Jisung kept crying out his name as he ran along with the medics.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but you can't come in here." The nurse held Jisung back from entering the room.

Jisung's vision started to blur, he blinked, and his tears streamed down his cheeks. "B-but-"

"You need to wait until he is fine," the nurse stated, "Please situate yourself at the waiting room and I'll call you when your boyfriend is settled in one of the hospital rooms."

Jisung just nodded, disregarding the fact that the nurse called his bodyguard his boyfriend. He made his way to the waiting room and seated himself away from the people.

He let out small sniffles and a few hiccups as he tried to pull himself together. After a few minutes of trying to calm himself down he dialed Chan.

His phone ringed for a while and went to voice mail. Jisung cursed under his breath, maybe calling Jeongin was the better option.

"Hey hyung, we're in a meeting right now-"

"Minho is in the hospital," Jisung quickly said, he felt his throat go dry when the incident flashed through his head.

"What! We can't just leave." Jisung could tell Jeongin was whispering.

"I know, but I just want you to inform Chan," Jisung informed, "And hopefully he'll give me the day off while I wait for Minho to get better."

"Ah, I see. I'll tell Felix that he's on his own today."

"Thank you Jeonginnie."

"Anything for you hyung, bye!"

Jisung smiled a bit, "bye." He hung up and waited impatiently. "Please be all right." Jisung worried as minutes passed by.

His phone kept buzzing, but he didn't mind it as he dozed off. After 40 minutes of ignoring his phone, he decided to check his notifications.

9 missed calls memelix
17 messages from memelix
4 messages from chan'sbabyboy
11 missed calls Eomma
26 messages from Eomma

Jisung kind of felt bad for keeping them in the dark. He messaged them back. After sending the last message to Jeongin, Chan finally called him back.

Jisung accepted the call.

"Jisung are you all right? Is Minho fine? Who's the bastard that shot him?!"

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