Episode 11: [Tonight]

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Season One

Episode Eleven:

| Tonight |

Day 2 at the hospital.

"Hey Jisung?"

Jisung was sitting on the couch facing the bed. "Yeah?" Typing away, he was still working. He took it upon himself to work during his day offs.

"How did you get in?"

Jisung stopped typing and looked at Minho with a confuzzled face. "Uh through the door?"

"I know that, I meant how did you get in if you aren't my family member?"

Jisung's face was flushed and looked away. "I lied about being your family member to get in," Jisung murmured.

Minho raised an eyebrow. "And you claimed as my?"

"You know what it's not that important," Jisung waved his hand wanting to disregard the topic.

"Come on, tell me. Big brother? Younger brother? Cousin? Second cousin? Nephew? Uncle-"

"You're not gonna stop are you?" Jisung interrupted.

Minho nodded, "come on, what is it?"

"I am not telling," Jisung crossed his arms and faced a different direction with his lips together.

Minho closed his eyes and let out a breath. Then, an idea popped inside his head and he is sure to know it will work. Suddenly, he stood up and walked over to the couch where Jisung is sitting.

When a shadow cast over Jisung, he looked up to see Minho looking at him with an unreadable face. "U-uh what are you- eek!" Adruptly, Minho pinned Jisung to the couch. "H-hey! Let me go!"

Jisung struggled to get off Minho's grasp. "Not until you tell me."

Jisung grumbled, "Never!" Jisung used a bit of his strength to sit up which surprised Minho and Jisung used that opportunity to let his hands free. He pushed Minho to the couch.

The door opened, "is everything all right?!" One of the nurses came in. "Oh..." She cleared her throat then gave a 90° bow. "I am so sorry for interrupting!"

The position Minho and Jisung were in gave her a different idea. Jisung was straddling on Minho's lower region and his arms were on both sides of Minho's head. Minho had his arm around Jisung's waist and the arm somewhere near Jisung's waist. His ass.

"I-it's not what it looks like!" Minho and Jisung both stammered out.

"Don't worry! I won't tell anyone!" The nurse kept bowing then made her way out in a klutz. Both boys had a sweat sliding down their face. Well, that was embarassing. The door opened again, but just a tiny bit.

"Oh by the way, there are some condoms in the top left cabinet, just in case if you want to have fun with your boyfriend and make sure to be really quiet. Okay, bye!" Nurse said in a tremendous speed. She could have been a rapper.

Jisung's cheeks turned bright red and turned to look at Minho. He had a dark gaze with a smirk. "So... I'm your boyfriend?"

"I-I can explain!" Minho sat up and still kept a hold of Jisung.

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