Chapter Twenty Four- Revelation

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I know it's been... forever... but I finally got the time to upload this! Yay for me :) I finally got my report to, with suprising marks, so I'm happy again :) I'm just about finished school for the year, so I'm going to have heaps of time to write! ^.^

Pic of Destiny, Jessie, Noah and Axel that I spent ages working on, since I'm that stupid with photoshop -.- took me forever! -->>>>


P.S- I wanna change the title of the story, so drop a suggestion in the comments please! :)


My chest was sore. It ached. It burned. I don't know what's wrong with me. 

Something's wrong with me.  

Someone grabs my hand as I make it out of the door. I'm whipped around to face my twin, my almost mirror image, who has a stony expression. Her brown eyes, which contrast to my hazel ones, are cold and unbearably upset. Mine, I can only guess, are stoic. Unwavering. Empty.

"You're lying. Tell them. Tell them it's not the truth." She demands, her voice strangely quiet.  

Her grip tightens on my wrist. Her fingers are pressed over a scar on the side of my wrist, and I know she can feel the bump that dirties my skin. 

"I think you know the answer to that." I murmur, giving her a venomous look. Wrenching my wrist out of her grip, I storm away feeling worse than I've ever felt before.

Grayson's house is the same as it always is. The paint is chipping off the walls a little in paces, and the front door squeaks, and the third step up from the ground creaks when you step on it. It used to feel like home. 

Now it feels like a house.  

Just a house. 

Walking up the steps, I try to calm my heart. I jump over the third one, like always. Grayson always did leave the spare key under the door mat, so it's easy to enter. I drag myself up the stairs past the hallway, wondering why I ran all the way here.  

My room is like it always is.  

Posters that need to be updated, a neat, ready made bed, and a desk piled up with drawings and music sheets. I haven't played my guitar or sang in ages. I don't feel like doing that anymore.  

Reaching under my bed, I drag out the box I found behind the waterfall. Annalise's strange letter. It was sealed by a red wax seal that had a howling wolf imprinted into it. That makes more sense now.  

I never did look at the leather bound notebook, or what was in the intricate silver box that was also in the chest. Just like before, the imprinted paw print on top of the silver box makes sense now.  

I wonder if that paw print is Annalise's, or her mate, Adrian's.  

I have no idea how to get into the box; it has no hinges or lid. 

I glare at the ground, feeling attacked to the box. I run my fingers over the note Annalise wrote, feeling the stinging in my heart build to an acidic rage.  

Why did Jessie betray me? It might have not been much in his eyes, but he just blurted out my life in front of people I don't even know. Not to mention Grayson obviously telling Dawn her mother was perfect. Doesn't he realise what she did to me? Didn't he notice the scars, or see the torment in my eyes?

Glaring at the floor, I pack up the box and pull it to my chest. Rushing down the stairs, I leave everything else in that room, and exit the house. I don't bother shutting the front door, leaving it to swing open and bang against the wall.  

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