Chapter Seven- Admitting Past Problems

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So so sorry about the extra long wait! :( I had a lot of stuff to do, you know with chirstmas coming up and stuff then i had to take care of 2 ten week old puppies and there was no internet :(

anyway, here it is! sorry about the long wait- again!

please comment =)

(P.S- pic of Athena on the side --->>>)



"And people, this is Destiny." Jessie says to his friends as we reach them. 

"Finally, another girl!" Remy exclaims.  

"What am I then, huh?" Athena spits at her. 

"Well, you are a girl..." Remy says, "But you're kind of mean sometimes." She nods her head to herself.  

How much sugar did that girl eat??

"I'm not mean!" Athena yells at her. 

Remy flinches back from her harsh tone. "Stop yelling at me!" She cries. 

"I'm not yelling!" Athena yells.  

"Yes you are! Stop yelling at me!" Remy cries again.  

Dayton walks over and puts his arm around Remy's shoulders. She leans into him subconsciously, her frown disappearing into a smile. 

I sense something romantic going on there.

Later that evening, everyone was sitting around a bonfire we had made in the middle of the clearing.  

Athena is still glaring at me, and hasn't said a word to me all day. 

Ryder continuously hits on me, but in a friendly way, because if it got any friendlier Jessie would have a complete fit. Every time he did I just laughed it off.  

Remy is like, my best friend now. I found out her and Dayton are together, and have been for the past year. They seem absolutely adorable together. 

I yawn and lie on my stomach on the ground, picking at the grass absentmindedly.  

Jessie, Ryder and Dayton had gone to talk about something guy-ish, leaving Remy, Athena and I huddled around the bonfire.  

"So how long have you known Jessie?" Remy asks curiously, sitting cross-legged beside me. 

"Um..." I start counting on my fingers, "Eleven years." I say, nodding to myself. 

Remy's eyes widen. "Wow..." She mutters. 

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