Chapter Twenty- Déjà Vu with Axel

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Yay! So i finally got this done, and on time to! I'm one happy person, sitting here eating my burnt cookie :) You shouldn't trust me to make cookies....



(Pic of Axel on the side---->>>>)

(Destiny's POV)

Before I know it, school has arrived and once again I'm staring at myself in the mirror wearing the school uniform I bought. My bag is packed, my hair is done, and my teeth are clean. I guess I'm ready to go. Yay. Note my sarcasm. 

"Destiny! C'mon, we gotta go!" Ryder whines from downstairs. 

"Coming." I reply softly, hoping my second first day will go better this time round. We most certainly don't want a repeat of that. 

The drive to school goes and comes quicker than I thought it would.  

This time people don't stare when Jessie's car and Ryder's call pulls up at the school. Dayton, Remy Athena and Ryder had all piled into Ryder's car, leaving Jessie and I alone. The silence was comfortable, even though I was nervous. 

When I climb out of the car, people don't stare. As I walk through the parking lot with my pack, no one stares. It's actually starting to freak me out.  

All the lessons I have that day fly by. During lunch I had avoided Dawn, sitting with my back to her when I noticed people watching, comparing us. That's really the first time I saw people doing something like that, and I didn't realise how much it would annoy me. I really don't like being compared to her. I don't even like my name being in the same sentence as hers.  

Before I know it the day is over and Jessie is driving me home.  

"I think I'm going to go to the library this afternoon." I say distractedly as I look out of the window.  

"You? The library?" Jessie chuckles. "Never thought that would have happened. You only read comics." He states. 

"Hey!" I argue heatedly. "They aren't comics!" 

"Right." Jessie drags the word out. "It's manga." 

"Yes, yes it is manga. Not a comic." I nod to myself. 

Jessie just chuckles. "So you're going to the library, huh?" 

"Yeah. I need to study so I can catch up. Everything I learnt today went in one ear and out the next."  

"Do you want me to drive you there now?" 

"Actually, yeah. That would be good. Thanks." 

Jessie makes a U-turn and drives me towards the town. It doesn't take very long, only around ten minutes or so. When the library comes into view, Jessie drops me off, and I head inside.  

It's quiet in the library. The librarian gives me a warm smile from behind her desk. "Good to see you, Dawn. You haven't been here in a while." 

Something growls from inside me as I feel my mood get a little sourer. "I'm not Dawn." I say as nicely as I can.  

The librarian looks a little confused. 

I sigh. "My name's Destiny. Nice to meet you." 

"Well hello there! Feel free to read as much as you like. Closing time is eight." She smiles again, unaffected by her blunder. 

"Right." I mumble, moving off to the back of the library. Rows and rows of tall bookshelves are stacked on either side of me, covered in a thin layer of dust. The golden letters on the spines of the books twinkle in the afternoon sunlight that streams in from the large windows at the back. 

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