Chapter Nineteen- A Meeting?

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Sorry about taking forever to upload, I was kinda distracted with school and other things. My addiction to anime has only gotten worse,  not that I mind to much :)

So anyway, onto the reading!


(Noah's POV) 

I nod, my shoulders hunching defensively.  

"I'm her Father, I go with her." Grayson growls from behind me, stepping forwards. 

"I should go with her! I'm her Alpha! Not to mention she actually trusts me." Jessie growls too. He reaches for Destiny, and that's when I feel my wolf take over. 

An animalistic growl tears through my throat, and I am unable to stop it. I feel my eyes go dark as my wolf takes over my human body. "No one touches her!" I snarl, my voice deeper than usual thanks to my wolf. 

Grayson growls with authority, but it somehow doesn't affect me. "Give her to me, Noah!" 

"No!" I roar. "I am going with her! She's my true mate!"

(Destiny's POV)

Waking up is hard. 

Everything feels so heavy. It's like I have something pressing down on me, compacting me into a tiny box shape like those cars that get crushed. It's a weird thought, feeling like a crushed car. 

I try to force my eyes to open. Does it work? No. It's like there are weights weighing them down, so I just give up and wait for the sick feeling to pass. 

When it does, I try opening my eyes again. 

This time they open. 

But what I see freaks me out. I see a big black thing with light shining out of it right above me. I can feel that I am on some sort of very uncomfortable table, and that someone is clutching my hand. He is clutching my hand. I can feel those sparks again. 

A startled and frightened noise comes from me as I thrash on the table bed thingy, trying to move away from wherever I am. 

"Shh, no stop moving... shh, it's fine. It's just taking an x-ray of your chest." A soft voice whispers in my ear as a hand strokes some of my stringy wet hair from my eyes.  

I clamp my mouth and eyes shut, visibly gulping as I try to calm myself down. After a minute or so, I let my eyes open again as I look at the x-ray machine. 

"W... why?" I croak unsteadily. 

"Sheree, you know the doctor, can't tell if there is any water in your lungs." Noah answers quietly. 

I look to the side to see a large glass screen that I can clearly see through. The room behind the mirror is a little bit brighter than this dark room, and is filled with computers and monitors. Sheree is standing behind them, and gives me a little finger wave and a sheepish smile. 

"Then who the hell's that?" I turn my gaze to who I previously thought was Sheree, leaning up against the wall in this room. 

"I'm Ashley." She smiles an easy smile. The woman looks exactly like Sheree, with the same dark brown -almost black- corkscrew curls and greenish hazel eyes. She has her hair done up in a tight bun with what looks like chopsticks going through it. She's wearing a black pencil skirt and a white shirt with a black blazer on top. With her glasses on she looks very professional. 

I raise an eyebrow. 

"Sheree's twin." She chuckles. 

I roll my eyes. "I got that." 

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