Chapter Fourteen- What's Wrong With Me?

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Yes, I know what you are all thinking! I know I took forever to upload, but I was super busy so... anyway... read on...


"Just let it happen, don't fight it." I hear Athena tell me, sounding actually worried. 

I scream in pain as the tearing feeling returns. Not doing what Athena advises, I try to push away the pain on instinct. I try to create a barrier between myself and the pain, but it doesn't work for a while. 

What seems like hours later I can finally start to think properly. The pain fizzles away, leaving me cold, drenched in sweat, breathing hard and only in my bra and underwear. 

What timing, huh? 

Athena curses under her breath. I hear other people join in with her. I realize that Ryder, Remy, Dayton and Jessie are all in the room too. 

As my breathing evens out a pained little noise comes from me as my head lolls to the side and I black out.

"How did she get those scars on her body? There are so many!" Someone exclaims softly.

I am still asleep- kind of. I can hear what they are saying, but I can't move my body. It's frustrating.  

"No one knows, she didn't tell anyone." Another voice answers softly. 

"It must have caused her a lot of pain to receive that many injuries. Didn't you notice any signs of pain with her?" The first voice asks in disbelief. I recognise it to be female.  

"No, never. Nothing she ever did caused me to think she was even remotely in pain. When she lied to me that one time, not even her heart skipped a beat. I would have heard it if it did. How am I supposed to know when she has lied to me?" The other voice, a male voice, asks. I recognise it. It's Grayson's. 

How could he possibly hear my heartbeat? And how did he know I was lying to him 'that one time'? This doesn't make sense. I'm so confused. 

"You still should have known she was this hurt." The woman growls. Literally growls. 

"How was I supposed to know? I barely talk to her!" 

Ouch, that hurts. 

"Yeah, but you talk to Dawn and you socialise with Dawn and you know everything that happens to Dawn." The woman counters. 

Ooh, that hurts much more. I even let out a little whimper. 

"Looks like you really screwed up this time, Grayson." The woman says, pissed off. 

Dad huffs. 

"You saw that scar on her back. That could have killed her. If she wasn't one of us she surely would have died. Do you want to know what I found in her bloodstream?" 

One of them? What's that supposed to mean? 

"What?" Grayson scoffs defensively. "It's not like you found drugs in here. God, stop being so dramatic about it already, Sheree." 

"I am not being dramatic!" Sheree yells. "I found enough traces of alcohol and drugs in her blood to sink a bloody battleship! Something really bad happened to your daughter, and you're not even worried!" She screams. 

I swear my heart stops beating. H-how did she find that? I have been clean for weeks! Weeks!

"What?!" Grayson finally yells, shocked. "How? It was her Mother that took the drugs! I never knew she did! She's not even old enough to drink!" 

I gulp.  

"Apparently not, Grayson. Now I would advise you start digging into her personal life. The strain her body has taken should have killed her by now. If she wasn't one of us she would have died." 

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