Chapter Twenty One- Familiar Situations

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Walking back into Jessie's house is hard. Why didn't he tell me I could die if I don't shift? Do I really have a choice now? 

Thinking about the mess I left behind me in America makes me nervous. The organisers of the street fighting are a vicious bunch of people with a lot of money in their pockets. I really don't want to get tangled up in that again, but I don't see how I can stay in Australia and leave my past behind.  

Why is this so confusing?


The next two days of school roll by in a blur. Almost every single guy in my grade comes up and introduces himself to me, then proceeds to ask me out with a flirty comment. They're sweet, but I said no to everyone. I'm not looking for a relationship right now. Don't I have a mate?  

Once again I have to face one of my possible futures. 

I really, really hate school.  

Right now Jessie, Athena and I are all in English class, our class before lunch. Now I don't mind English, because it's easy and it can be creative and we get to study interesting things. Not to mention our teacher never seems to be in the room. 

The only bad thing about this class is that Dawn and a guy names Alec from the Raven Pack are in the room, sitting at the desk next to us. 

"So... what are we supposed to be doing?" I question, since I had spaced out while the teacher was in the room. 

Athena shrugs. "No clue." She grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest and slumping in the chair. 

We've been getting along a little better now that we're in the same pack, but she's still cold towards me, in an understated way. 

Jessie just shrugs. "Who cares?" 

I sigh. "And this is why my book is empty." 

"And it's not because you're new here?" Jessie raises an eyebrow. 


He rolls his eyes.  

Behind me I hear an annoying snicker. My eye twitches in annoyance. Oh how I hate that stupid, pesky, high pitched little laugh.  

"So what are we doing this afternoon?" I question.  

"Maybe we could watch a movie or something." Jessie suggests. 

"What about we go to the lake?" Athena suggests. 

"You can't." 

I turn around at the interruption, facing my clone with brown hair. "And why not?" I challenge with a raised eyebrow. 

"Because my pack is going." Dawn replies with a casual flick of her hair. 

"If I recall properly, the lake is a public place." Athena says at her, venom dripping from every word. Wow, she must have Dawn almost as much as I do. At least we have something in common. 

"That may be, but we don't need mutts like you roaming around." Dawn sneers. "At least, that's what you thought a year ago, right Athena?" 

The way Dawn says Athena's name is so spiteful and mocking it makes me angry.  

Now I know something definitely happened with these two in the past. All I need to figure out is what, but for now I'm totally on Athena's side. She is in my pack after all, which means we're on the same team against this pest. 

Athena stiffens as a wave of hurt and anger rolls off her.  

A protective feeling creeps up in my chest as I straighten up a bit. Jessie growls softly, but before he can talk, I do. 

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