Chapter Twenty Five- Escape Route

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Sorry it's late! Warning: it's not edited! I'll fix any mistakes up later :)

If anyone has any ideas for actors to play the new characters in this chapter, don't hesitate to tell me :)


We drive for hours, through an endless stretch of forests, a few houses, and winding dirt roads. Axel stays silent, and lets me brood. He knows the impact of what has happened. I can't help but glance at my eyes in the window, watching my reflection.  

After all, he's exactly like me. Beaten and bruised, upset and angry... and hurt.  

Deep down, I know I'm hurt, and I know that I'm going to stay hurt until this situation is resolved. My problem is, is that I don't know how to resolve it. Honestly, I couldn't be bothered. 

"Where are we going?" I finally ask, glancing at my eyes again. They're completely a vibrant golden colour now, no hint of hazel left. Instead of seeing a circular pupil like I'm used to, I'm faced with an elongated, slitted one.

I don't like it. 

Axel takes a moment to answer. "Remember how I told you about how I was a Talented One? About how I could sense emotions being felt in the present and future time?" 


"There's someone I know who can help." 

"Help?" I echo tiredly, slumping in my seat. I could use some of that help. A lot. 

Axel fidgets uncomfortably. "Well... I'm pretty sure I've managed to track down someone... else." 

I give him a blank stare. "Spit it out, Axel." 

He sighs, glancing at me out of the corner of his eyes. "I think I know another Talented One, who can help us through everything. He can teach me to control my powers." 

"Is this really safe?" 

Axel nods. "I think it's best to stick to bigger numbers. It's already instinct that wolves stick to packs, and safety is in numbers." 


"Wait, you're not going to say anything else on the matter?" Axel asks incredulously. 

"What's the point?" 

Axel doesn't answer, frowning at me worriedly. "Are you okay, Destiny?" 

"Dunno." I answer, tilting my head back. "I think I need to sleep." 

"You can if you want to. I'll wake you up if something happens." 

I hesitate, before nod. "Alright." I mumble, before closing my eyes. Hopefully, by the time I wake up my eyes will be back to normal.

Strange dreams torment my sleeping mind. Images of dark wolves and thick, red blood rush behind my eyes. An unsettled feeling stays with me, and I can't shake it off. I feel like I'm starting to go crazy. Reality hits me hard as my eyes fly open, my mouth dropping open in a startled pant. Why am I doing this? What is it for? Do I really hate Jessie as much as I think I do? 

No, I had to leave. I obviously didn't belong there. Jessie was right; there was no way I could get to be with Noah without unintentionally sparking an argument or disagreement between the packs. 

Not to mention being around Dawn was driving me crazy. Siblings shouldn't be separated; I can't help but blame Grayson for causing a rift between me and my sister. And for making Karol go nuts. Are they even mates? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2013 ⏰

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