Final Chapter

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2 months later

Love. We're coming home tomorrow. Please pick me at the airport if you have time.

He sent the message and pocketed his phone. He wasn't really expecting Off to answer immediately since the latter told him he had a dinner meeting with a foreign investor.

It had been 2 months since they got back together and Off never failed to show his love for him despite them being apart.

During the two months that he was in Taiwan for the shoot, Off visited him a couple of times, surprising him almost every time.

There was even one night that he just came knocking on his room's door whilst bringing a huge bouquet of flowers.

There was also one time when he almost lost his mind when Off surprised him with a dinner date on top of Taiwan's highest building.

He grabbed the towel so he could take a quick shower. He was about to open the bathroom door when his phone rang.

He immediately rushed to grab his phone thinking it was Off but it was Jaylerr.


Gun, where are you? P'Pardbee wants to change some parts in the last scene. Can you go back to our shooting site right now?

"Why? Is there anything he doesn't like?"

He wants to add some parts and he wants your opinion.

"Okay. I'm coming."

He turned off the call and grabbed his jacket. The filming site Jaylerr was referring to was a garden which was a 10-minute walk from the hotel they were staying at.

"P'?" he called out as soon as he arrived at the location.

He noticed that some crew and staff were still setting up the area.

"Oh, Gun!" It was P'Mook who answered.

"Hello, P'Mook. Jaylerr told me that we are re-shooting some parts. Where is P'Pardbee?"

"Oh, yeah. He wanted to add a scene in the final part. He feels like something was missing at the end so he wanted to include it. Come here."

He followed P'Mook to where their director was.

"Oh Gun. I'm adding a wedding scene in the finale. The previous version is kinda hanging so I'm adding this one."

"Okay, P'. What can I help you with?"

"We're lacking some members of the entourage so can you stand-in in this part? The actor that was supposed to be in this one had some family emergency so he had to go home."

"Okay, P'. Just tell me what I should do."

P'Mook then approached him and handed him a what seemed to be a suit.

"Change into this one first, Gun. We'll be shooting in awhile."

He nodded and proceeded to the changing area. He was the only one there so he changed immediately as he was thinking that everybody was already done preparing.

He was almost done changing in his dark blue suit when he received a chat message from Off.

From: Off
Just got home for the dinner meeting, love. How about you? How's work?

To: Off
We're just shooting an additional scene for the finale and then we're good to go. Take a rest naaa. I know you're tired. I love you jaaa.

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