chapter twelve

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hinata bit on his tongue as he worked on a math problem. it didn't make any sense to him but tsukki had already explained it four times and hinata would be damned if he asked tsukki to explain it again. tsukishima would kill him. no doubt about it. each time that tsukki explained, his tone got more and more annoyed. hinata could feel that he was on the last of tsukki's buttons. he didn't want to start a fight, so he decided to stay quiet and pretend he knew what he was doing. 

tsukishima sighed as he noticed that hinata was still struggling with the problem.

god what an idiot. 

"let me do it and then you do the next one okay? the next one Is easier anyway so you're small brain should be able to handle it." tsukishima suggested and added a smart remark just because. hinata didn't say anything about it. tsukishima grabbed the math booklet from hinatas side of the table and started working on the problem. 

hinata shuffled closer to tsukishima to see and tsukki was painfully aware of his presence. 

he kept writing on the paper but his mind was focusing on hinata. the hairs that kept tickling his neck and the small breaths that fanned his shoulder. tsukki slowly felt his cheeks and ears get hotter and hotter. 

when tsukki finished, he pulled back and looked at hinata. hinata looked up at him with a soft smile. it had the same energy as his usual big smile, but it was cuter to tsukki. it was small and adorable. tsukki would compare it to the sunset. hinatas cheeks were a soft pink and his eyes refelted the small light tsukki had in his room. tsukki focused hard enough to see himself in hinata's honey brown eyes. before the boys knew it, they were leaning into each other. 

hinata put his hand on tsukkis shoulder and started leaning in. tsukishima gulped and started leaning in as well. everything was moving so slow, but so perfect. it felt like the world revolved around them, for just this moment. their minds were empty and only filled with each other.

tsukki's eyelashes, hinata's golden flecks, tsukki's light pink thin lips, hinata's cute button nose. every detail made the moment even more perfect.

their lips were so close to touching. hinata felt butterflies in his stomach. he felt weightless. like a cloud. here he was about to kiss tsukishima, the boy he's hated from the beginning. tsukishima didn't know what was happening. he feel so enticed and drawn in, he couldn't stop himself. for a second, he thought, even if he could stop himself, he wouldn't. 

as their lips were about to touch, a loud knock on tsukkis door interrupted them. hinata bounced back to his previous spot and tsukishima cleared his throat and pushed his glasses up. 

"hey! i brought snacks! incase you guys were hungry..." akiteru said, opening the door with a tray of different colored mochi in his hands. 

both boys were facing the door with dark red blushes. hinata smiled as akiteru dropped the plate off on the small table they were using to study. 

"t-thank you." the boys let out, still a bit flustered from before.

what were we going to do?

"no problem." akiteru said with a smile and waves. he felt a bit awkward and he left before the tension could get worse. the boys watched as he walked away and closed the door behind him. tsukishima's shoulders relaxed once the door was closed. 

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