chapter fifteen

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yay we've finally reached the 15th chapter :)))


the boys sat at a small garden table near the park they were at before and ate together. the scenery was beautiful. the sun was pretty bright, but the sky was cloudy so it was just right. tsukki didn't mind this. he liked this. he just couldn't wait to see hinata in the golden hour light later at the sunflower garden. he knew he would look so pretty.

they sat, ate, and conversed beautifully. both boys knew they liked each other and even though they were blushing messes, the feeling of being with each other was amazing, new, and fun.

"hinata..." tsukishimas voice suddenly got serious, so hinata looked at him seriously. 

"y-yeah?" he tried to encourage tsukki. both boys had already finished eating and they had been talking for the past few minutes. 

"I want to take you... to a sunflower garden," tsukki said and hinatas heart exploded in his chest. tsukki was so cute and basically asking him on a date. a real date. 

while hinata was freaking out, tsukki was trying to keep himself alive. he felt like he could just pass out right now. 

'going for it sucks.'

tsukki was waiting desperately for a response. both boys were blushing, but instead of looking away, they looked into each other's eyes. 

hinatas unreadable and tsukkis hopeful. 

"I would love to go with you tsukki," hinata said shyly. he then giggled.

"at first, I thought I was in trouble because of how serious you were! you need to loosen up man! its just a date!" hinata said and tilted his head to the side a little, still giggling. 

"a... date?" tsukki asked and it suddenly got quiet. the only sounds were the birds, wind, and bugs near them. it was an awkward silence though. it was comforting and warm.

"y-yeah..." hinata stuttered out embarrassedly.

fuck, that's cute.

tsukishima let out a puff of air from his nose and then leaned back.

"whatever shrimp. lets go in about twenty minutes. were going to have to take the train. it leaves in like an hour, so we've still got some time." tsukki pushed his glasses up and tried to stop himself from getting hot. 

both boys were blushing madly, but they continued to converse as if nothing happened. 

come 20 minutes, both boys were walking to the train station. hinata was excited about this. in his mind, this was a date, even if tsukki didn't agree, he knew he thought the same thing. 

they boarded the train and instantly took the two empty seats. it was a pretty empty train, but they didn't take any chances. hinata giggled slightly as he beat tsukki to the seat. tsukki growled lowly and sat next to him. 

"hey, tsukki?"

"what shrimp?"

"have you ever gotten high?"

the question surprised tsukki. of course, he had come across a lot of opportunities to smoke but had never taken up on them because he thought it was stupid. 

"no... have you?" he asked, his head tilted to the side a bit.

hinata nodded his head.

"yeah, with tanaka and noya." tsukishima wasn't so surprised, only disappointed. he nodded his head, not knowing what else to say. hinata nodded too, also in the same predicament.

"why do you ask?" tsukishima asked after a moment of awkward silence. 

"I was just wondering because... its kind of an intimate thing I guess. if you're with the wrong people while doing it a lot of things could go wrong. i just wanted to see if you've ever done it and who you've done it with." hinata said after a moment of thinking.

both boys nodded awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. hinata was cursing himself for bringing up the topic. 

"I..." hinata started and tsukishimas head shot to look at him.

"I want your first time getting high to be with me." hinata admitted and blushed a deep red. he shoved his face in his hands and started apologizing. 

"im sorry! im sorry! im sorry! i didn't mean it like that! i-" he was cut off by tsukishima, who started laughing. 

hinata looked up at him surprised. he watched as he laughed and laughed, without a care in the world. slowly, he started laughing as well. and they laughed together, like nothing else mattered.

once the laughing session was over, tsukishima looked over at hinata and pat his shoulder. 

"you really are an idiot shrimp," he said and chuckled one last time. hinata grumbled a bit but couldnt stay mad. 

"what is that supposed to mean?!" he said confused.

"my first time getting high will be with you. just the two of us. we can share an intimate moment like that together." tsukki said and both boys froze at his last sentence. 

share an intimate moment... WITH HIM?! 

oh my gosh, tsukki thought, I can't believe I said that... but getting high with shrimp wouldn't be so bad. it'll be fun and dumb, but that's what he's all about. 


"I... i would like that."hinata said once they stopped freaking out. tsukishima nodded and they looked out the train window awkwardly. 

hinata then looked to the side. he started overthinking the situation. tsukki had never smoked before, so why would he want to smoke with hinata? does he feel peer pressured? this lightly? nah... but maybe. theres tons of other ways to have an intimate moment, so why didnt hinata offer this way? 


"i-im sorry if it seems like im offering drugs! we could have an intimate moment another way!!!" hinata said suddenly in a loud tone. tsukishima looked at him in surprise. 

"hinata..." he said softly. his voice was so soft, hinata could barely hear it. hinata was staring at his shoes as if it was the most miraculous thing he's ever seen. he waited in anticipation for tsukki to talk.

"you're an idiot." tsukki said and then laughed again. hinata looked up at him and started laughing with him. he felt blessed. he got to see tsukki genuinely laugh twice and it was amazing. 

tsukishima pat hinatas back in reassurance. 

"I wouldn't have said yes if I didnt want to shrimp. so shut up already." 

hinata looked into tsukkis eyes with a big smile on his face. 

"okay..." hinata felt warm inside.

tsukki rolled his eyes and they both continued conversing regularly, in the comfortable and warm silence.


hellooooo, this part was a bit short and its also unedited sad face, but i hope you enjoyed tee hee. 

next chapter will be them at sunflower garden and a mysterious meanie!! so loo forward to that ;) 

merry Christmas and happy new years yall!!!!! <3 

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