chapter four

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next Monday

Hinata held the gift bag close to his chest as he walked into morning practice. he was getting more and more nervous as time went by. he took his mom's suggestion in a grand apology (at least that's what he's calling it) and decided to buy him a gift and write a small letter. in the gift bag was a small dino plushie and a handwritten apology with at least fifteen spelling mistakes. 

Hinata took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. he opened the gym doors (since he was a little later today than any day) and saw everybody going through their own drills or stretching. 

"BOKE WHY ARE YOU SO LATE?!" Kageyama was the first on his case, as always. 

"i-i was doing something grouchyama." hinata mentally pats himself on the back for the clever nickname. kageyama grumbled and let it go, which hinata did not expect at all. hinata went to the club room and placed the gift bag near his area. he started practicing with kageyama and practice went on as usual, a bunch of screaming and making jokes, but also some serious work. 

now, all the karasuno boys were in the club room changing for the school day ahead of them. hinata held the gift in his hands and took a couple breaths. kageyama was giving him a weird look, but wasn't saying anything about his behaviour, only watching. 

"tsukishima!" hinata yelled out and every stopped what they were doing to look at the boy. hinatas back that was previously facing tsuki, was now facing the wall behind him. he bowed and held the gift out with both hands. 

"please accept this gift. I'm sorry for all those others time we fought." everyone and their mothers passed away from shock. suga, asahi, noya, tanaka, kageyama, and Yamaguchi fainted after hearing that. tsukishimas mouth dropped for a couple seconds, before he caught it and bowed as well, reaching out his hands to accept the gift. 

"thank you for the gift." he said lightly, his voice leaking shock. both boys stood straight and hinatas face was a deep red. 

"i hope you enjoy it. i know that you and i have never got along and I'm sorry about that. and I'm sorry for the fight at the park." hinata smiled brightly. he was praying to every god that tsukishima forgave him. he took a mental note to thank his mom later for the good idea. 

suga, who was the first to recover smiled gently at them finally getting along. 


"I CANT BELEIVE THIISSSS! ASAHI DID YOU SEE THAT?!" noya and tanaka were next and they were completely flipping out. kageyama smacked the back of hinatas head. 

"BOKE YOU GOT HIM A GIFT?!" he grumbled and Yamaguchi was still standing by him, a look of shock still on his face. hinata didnt know if it was because he gave him a gift or because tsuki accepted it. hinata looked towards kageyama with a sheepish look and nodded, scratching the bak of his neck.

tsukishima didnt know how to feel. he had been so rude to the poor boy yesterday and every day before that and he knew he didnt deserve this gift. 

he's so kind. and i don't deserve it. i was an asshole and he felt like he needed to apologize to me. fuck. 

tsukishima couldn't help but beat himself up for a couple seconds, but collected himself when intrusive thoughts of hinata purposefully annoying him broke into his head. hinata was probably always going to be annoying to him. that's a given. but maybe, he could be annoying and cute. maybe. tsukishima could never think of a universe where he'd admit that (to himself or anyone else.)

even though tsukishima knows hinata is annoying and has said things to him that wasn't right to say, he couldn't help but feel guilty about it. he felt guilty about pushing the boy who was just trying to be nice away. 

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