chapter five

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practice the next day was a bit awkward for the boys and everyone on the team seemed to notice. they noticed the small awkward glances and light blushes. 

"hey hinata. did anything happen last night between you and tsukishima?" suga asked hinata after pulling him to the side. hinata felt his cheeks get hot and he started shaking his head very quickly. 

"no! what makes you think that?!" he asked and his voice raised a couple of octaves. suga raised a brow and his lips curled in amusement. 

"are you sureeeeee?" he was teasing hinata and loving ever second of it. hinata nodded and ran to kageyama. they continued to practice their quick and some receives for hinata. he was a little better, but if you ask kageyama he hasn't taken a step forward. 

practice went on and tsukishima and hinata didnt talk to each other at all. after a bit of receiving, they decided to do spiking drills. hinata started jumping up and down, cheering. 

"yay! yay!" hinata smiled brightly and tsukishima scoffed. 

"keep it down shrimp. we get it, your only talent is spiking." he said and smirked to himself.

"hey! not true! I'm getting better at receives too! noya-senpai has been teaching me!"

"receiving with your face doesn't count, idiot." tsukishima chuckled and hinata grumbled up at him but kageyama snapped him back into reality by yelling at him.

"BOKE HINATA BOKE! PAY ATTENTION HERE! IM GOING TO TOSS!" kageyama was a bit angry since hinata was completely ignoring the toss. everybody got into one line and they all took turns spiking suga and kageyamas sets. 

once it was hinatas turn, he got real fired up. he ran up and jumped as high as he could and... missed the hit. he fell to the floor and looked at the ball right next to him as it bounced on the floor. he looked towards kageyama who was looming over him angrily. he shrunk in his place and his eyes went wide in fear. the dark aura overtook kageyama and hinata swears he peed his pants. 

"wait wait wait wait." he was moving backwards to get away from kageyama. kageyama raised his hand to smack hinatas head and hinata shrunk, waiting for the impact. when he didnt feel it, he opened his right eye and looked to see what happened. what he saw shivered his timbers. tsukishima was holding kageyamas hand from hitting him and they were glaring at each other. 

everyone stopped what they were doing dramatically just to freak out at what was happening. asahi fainted and noya and tanaka ran in circles, yelling about how hinata mustve brainwashed tsuki. ennoshita grabbed the back of their shirts and yelled at them to stop. daichi seemed a bit shocked, but gave a small smile at his teammates getting along. suga was smirking and plotting on when he's going to get real info. 

"no need to hit him king, he'll get it next time." tsukishimas voice sounded annoyed and irritated. kageyama looked a bit shocked, but recovered and pulled his arm from tsukishimas grip. 

"whatever, you better get it right next time boke." kageyama grumbled and went back to his place. 

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!" noya and tanaka were yelling and daichi held them back by their jerseys. ennoshita thanked him and gave a sigh of relief as he was finally able to relax. 

"stop it guys. whatever it is, its their business." daichi said and suga took the chance to go up to hinata. 

"are you sure nothing happened?" he asked again and smirked. he forced his hand into a blade and chopped hinatas head. hinata yelped and his hands rubbed his head in pain. 

"next time don't lie to your senpai!" he said and laughed. hinata pouted and looked up at suga. 

"i didnt lie! nothing happened!" he tried to defend himself but, the blush on his face gave it away. something definitely happened. hinata didnt know why it affected him so much, they were only that close for three seconds. it felt like forever though. hinata remembers the feeling of mesmerization. he felt so enticed by tsukishima, like he couldn't pull away. he didnt want to look away from tsuki. 

slow burn tsukihinaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon