Chapter 14

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“If witches are the ones who rule this place, where are they now?” Jane asked.
“Maybe at the village festival? But anyway, it’s good as long as they aren’t here. We don’t know what type of people they are” I said and everyone agreed.
“Hey, I found Wujian’s class’s register” Yoon suddenly showed
“What?” we all gathered around her and looked at the register. I saw familiar
“Wait look, there this name again, ‘Ming’. So she was a Wujian’s classmate?”
“She was the owner of the all those certificates we saw, right Kai?” Tay asked me.
“Yes, that’s her”
“These drawing books also belong to her. Look there’s her name in them”
“So Ming was the one got bullied?”
“Maybe Ming is one of those friends of Wujian” Jane said.
“Maybe but we can’t be sure” I said
“Then let’s go and find her. We can ask villagers about her house" As Andrew
took the lead we all followed.
Village also sounded too quiet and we assumed that was because of villagers were at the festival. We saw a teenage girl and we decided to ask her.
“Hey can you please help us? Do you know a girl named Ming?
She didn’t talk a word but tried to show us something with her hands. We dumbly stared at her. What was with her now?
“This girl is mute. She can’t talk” we turned around to see an old lady. Suddenly I felt like I’ve seen this girl somewhere before.
“Hey Win, show me that photo witch has three girls in it”
“Here” I was right. The one who’s standing beside us is one of these three girls.
“Are you a friend of Wujian and Ming?” I asked.
But she shook her head.
“It’s okay. But can you show us Ming’s house?” she nodded and directed us
towards a house. We got inside and found Ming’s room.
There were so many paintings. On the wall, on the floor, everywhere. We were
looking around when that girl tried to tell us something again. But we couldn’t
understand her sign language. Then Kao came up with an idea.
“Here, take my notebook. And write whatever you want to tell us” He gave his notebook and pen to her.
She grabbed it and wrote,
Ming is a witch.’
We all surprised to be honest. We didn’t see that coming.
“Wasn’t Wujian also a witch?” Win asked. Then she shook her head. So only Ming was the witch? Then she wrote something again.
“Follow me, I’ll show you something.”
She went towards a corner of the room and kneeled. She took off the carpet. And then knocked on the woody floor. As in to check the sound. After that she looked satisfied and took off the part she knocked. Then she signed us to join her.
There was a door. So Ming’s room has a secret room underneath it? We all entered the room, one after another.
“Wow look at these words on the wall” there were some unrecognizable symbols painted on the wall.
“They look like some kind of a magic spell” Andrew said touching them.
“Right? She is a witch after all”
“Hey look, those bullying drawings again” Tay showed us couple of drawings.
They looked very similar to the ones we saw at the school.
“Did Ming get bullied from the other students?” Yoon asked. And the girl nodded.
“Hey there’s a note” Jane showed us and read it aloud.
I won’t let you go easily. I’ll take revenge until you feel guilty. I’ll not stop until
you all go through the pain you gave me. Anyone won’t get away from the spell I
“Oh wow, she’s so poetic” Win said grinning. We all glared at him.
“What? I was just saying” he raised his both arms as if to surrender.
“So she cursed all the students?” Tay asked “Also, we still don’t know how Wujian was murdered” I reminded.
We were about to ask it from the mute girl. But she suddenly disappeared. Not
only her but the whole surrounding turned transparent. Like anything isn’t real.
“Wait, did something get into my specs?” I took my spectacles off and wiped
“No. We can’t see anything clearly either” I heard Kao’s voice.
“What’s happening?”
Suddenly all our phones beeped. A new text notification from Mr. Ray.
You guys are so close to the end of the story. That’s the reason why everything got unclear. Remember, these all happened years ago. Everything you see is an illusion. And it’ll disappear once you found out the whole story
“We’re close? But how can he see us? Can Mr. Ray see what we do?” the phones beeped again.
‘Of course I can see you’
We all looked at each other’s faces.
“Hey look the casts which were on the wall are gone now” Tay yelled suddenly.
We turned around to see a crystal clear wall without any writings on it.
“Well that didn’t surprise me today” Kao sighed.
“Wait if all the students under Ming’s spell, why that girl looked normal?” Jane suddenly asked.
“So the spell didn’t work on her?”
“It’s either Ming didn’t put the curse on her or...” Andrew stopped the sentence in
the middle and looked at us with wide eyes.
“Or?” we asked.
“She’s Ming.”

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