Chapter 10

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“Win, Jane stop this madness now. What’s wrong with you two?” Mr. Ray barged
in between them, he looked so angry. Kao noticed me and came towards me with a frightened look in his eyes. I also have the same expression because I’ve never
seen Mr. Ray getting this angry.
“You both should be ashamed of yourselves for behaving like this” he scolded
“Now your students are openly misbehaving Mr. Ray. Is that because they’re
special?” Mrs. Shayne finally opened her mouth. That’s when Mr. Ray saw Mrs.
Shayne there.
“I can handle my students. You don’t have to interfere” he answered, still
“Sure you can. But I think you’re being too soft for these kids.”
She scolded the students who were around and made them leave the cafeteria. So
only me, Kao, Mr. Ray, Jane and Win were left alone there.
“Okay Win now tell me. What did you do this time?” Mr. Ray folded his arms over
his chest.
“Me? Why do you always think it’s me? She’s the one who bit my hand first”
“Jane can you tell me what happened?” Mr. Ray asked in a calm tone this time, but
his face still looked strict.
“Mr. Ray he found one of my childhood photo that I cosplayed as a monkey. And
showed it around to all the students in the cafeteria.”
“Win” Mr. Ray let out a frustrated sigh. “Why did you do that?”
“I was just joking with her. She was the one who took everything serious and
started hitting me.”
“Don’t tease her like that ever again. Now you can go to the classroom” Mr. Ray
said and we all turned around to go.
“Where are you going Win? I need to talk to you alone”
“Ugh, not again”
“Come here!”
“Okay, fine”
We walked slowly, thinking Mr. Ray will let Win go quickly. We heard a little bit
of their conversation.
“Win you made me so angry today. Why did you have to tease that innocent girl?”
“Innocent girl? You meant that monkey? She’s not innocent. She’s evil. Don’t you
remember? She even stabbed my hand.”
I slowly looked at Jane who was walking beside me. I saw her reddening from
anger, hands curling into fists. She left the cafeteria with long steps while gritting her teeth.
“She healed it Win. I don’t understand why you are so mad about this”
“And I don’t understand why you always blame me for every single thing”
I and Kao decided to wait for Win. So we left the cafeteria and sat on a bench near
it. I took out my notes as if I could complete these here, I can sleep right after
going to the dorm.
“What’s that?” I looked inside my bag where Kao pointed.
“Ah this?” I took the book out.
“Yesterday Mr. Klain gave this to me. He asked me to give it to Mr. Ray but I
didn’t get a chance”
“What is it about?” Kao asked.
“I don’t know either. I didn’t check” I put the book on the table and skimmed
through it. My eyes widened by the thing I saw.
“Why? What’s in there?” Kao might have noticed my expression. So he also
“These are details about us? But why?” he questioned. And I didn’t understand
either. Why there’s a book full of our personal details? I carefully turned page by page. There were full details about all of us. Andrew, Kao, me, Jane, Win...
“Kai wait! Turn to the previous page” Kao suddenly yelled and I did as he asked.
The page consisted of Win’s details.
“Look at Win’s full name. Win Manchester” he pointed out.
“Manchester, Manchester, I’ve heard this name before. Win Manchester. Oh my
God? Ray Manchester?” we both looked at each other with wide eyes.

“Do-do you think they’re father and son?”
“Are you insane? Mr. Ray isn’t that old. Maybe brothers?”
“That can be true. Maybe that’s why Win seems fearless towards Mr. Ray. I was
actually surprised when he talked back to him today, without thinking of
“Hmm... But the question is why didn’t he tell us about this?” I said thoughtfully.
But we couldn’t continue our conversation as Win and Mr. Ray both walked towards us. I quickly hid the book.
But Kao was oblivious towards everything. So he questioned Win without minding
Mr. Ray was right next to him.
“Hey Win, why didn’t you-” this idiot is going to screw everything. So I kicked
him under the table, stopping him from saying anything. If Mr. Ray found out that
we checked his book without permission, he’d get angry at us again.
“Aah” this drama queen screamed as I cut off his leg. I didn’t even kick that hard.
But Mr. Ray seemed suspicious.
“What were you trying to say Kao?”
“Uh... I was, I was... going to ask what happened with Jane”
“Dude you were literary there when everything happened” Win looked at him
“Oh yeah. I forgot” Kao scratched his hair, smiling sheepishly. This idiot was
being too obvious. I’m sure Mr. Ray noticed it too. But thankfully, he didn’t
question further.
“Alright then, I’ll see you guys at the class” with that Mr. Ray left.
“Ouch Kai, what was that for?” Kao hissed at me right after Mr. Ray left. Win sat
beside us.
“I didn’t want Mr. Ray to find out that we checked his book, idiot” I said.
“Oh, that makes sense” he gritted his teeth at me. I rolled my eyes. We both turned
our attention towards the main victim, Win.
I think he noticed our suspicions look as well.
“Wh-what? Why are you guys looking at me like that?”
“Don’t you have anything to tell us?” I asked.
“Um, no?”
“Oh yeah? Then what’s this?” Kao grabbed the book from me and showed it to Win.
“Oh wow! What a handsome student! What’s his name?” Win jokingly asked
looking at his picture next to his bio data.
“Cut the crap Win. Why you and Mr. Ray have the same family name?” I’ve had
enough. Win froze for while looking at his details. Then he sighed.
“Mr. Ray and I... We’re biological brothers."
“Yeah we figured that out already. What we want to know is why you didn’t tell
anything about it.”
“That’s because Mr. Ray doesn’t remember it”
“What?” Both I and Kao asked at the same time.
“When I was 5 years old, both of my parents passed away from an accident. Since
then my brother Ray was my guardian. He was a super 7 student back then. That’s
all I knew. I didn’t know what it was about. One day school informed me that he
had an accident there. When I went to see him, he was in a coma. It took him
almost a month to wake up. When he woke up, he didn’t remember a single thing
about me.”
“So, what did you do?”
“I didn’t have anyone to tell about this. But he found out. No, he knew about it all
“Mr. Klain”
“Mr. Klain knew about everything and he promised to cure him. And he did. But
my brother was not the same anymore”
“What do you mean?” Kao asked in a worried tone.
“He recognized me as his brother. But he doesn’t remember anything that
happened to him. He remembered everything except for the incident which turned
him to the person he is today."
“If you found out Mr. Ray was a super 7 student back then, do you know what his
potential is?” I asked the question that has being bothering me for weeks.
“No, I don’t. He never talked about it with me”
I felt weird that Mr. Ray lost his memory just like that. Is there a possibility that
Pete and Nom also lost their memories? It made a sense as both of them didn’t
remember about what I’ve done or said to them back then. So if it’s true, does
anyone have the power of erasing memories? But we already found out the
potentials of all super 7 students. If anyone has that power, that person must be someone aside from us. But the question is...
Who would that be?

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