Chapter 1

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Can I ask a question from you?

"Do you believe powers?''

If I ask this I'm sure you will say "powers are a myth." But don't you think there are

various powers in this world? My name is kai and this is my story.

Chapter 01

My school's name is Royal king's high school. It was my 10th year as a student. I

felt everything was going great. I had two friends, Pete and Nom. They are really

good friends. Pete was a genius. Pete loved to study and he knew all the things about

computers and stuff, unlike me. I didn't care about studies at all.

If you asked me about Nom's character I'd say she is a dumb kid like me she didn't

care about studies either, but she loved to play the violins. So you can easily find her

at the music room, literally anytime.

If I am to talk about myself, I'm a dumb troublemaker, that teachers didn't even like

to talk about. That was pretty much about me. Yeah, I know. I know. Boring! Duh!

But seriously, there was nothing interesting going on with myself. Until, one day on

the lunch break while I was chatting with Nom, someone suddenly took my phone

from me by force. It was an 11th grade student who was known as a bad guy.

Everything about my story began with that.

"Hey, give it back" I tried my best to make my voice sound threatening.

But he merely laughed and said, "If you want it, come and get it. Why? Are you

scared of me?"

I fisted my hand. "If you don't give it back, I'll complain headmaster about you." I

said through gritted teeth.

"Oh you stupid, do you think they'll believe you? You are such a troublemaker, not

to add how stupid you are. They'll be happier, if you're gone."
His words really hurt me. I know I'm not that much of a bright student. Hell, I'm not

even close. But there are things each student is capable of. It doesn't always have to

be studies. What he said, made me feel like I'm unworthy. My sadness must has

shown in my face.

He started teasing me further. "Yeah you can cry, cry like a baby. It's the only thing

you can do without making a mistake"

It caught me off guard when he suddenly punched me on the face, which caused my

spectacles to fly away and drop somewhere in the cafeteria. My vision was blurry

and he started to throw punch after punch at my face. I had no time to think properly,

my head started spinning.

Suddenly I thought that I saw Pete there. And I heard him saying, "No one can hurt

my friend. I'll not let you touch him."

But I was not on my right mind and I pushed the person right in front of me with a

The unexpected position. [ Completed ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin