Chapter 6

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“So Mr. Ray, do you have a potential too?” Win questioned.
“Yeah, I do.” Mr. Ray’s reply took students’ interest.
“Can you show us yours?” another student questioned.
“You guys should focus on finding your own potentials instead of wasting your
time on other things” Mr. Ray stopped them from questioning further.
Despite how much I hated this program, I still couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
We’ve super powers? Even a golden one in that? Was this some kind of a sick
joke? But if this wasn’t real, how did that student control electricity? So does this
mean I have a super power too? If I have one, what would that be? I was so
Mr. Ray continued his speech. “There’s something important that you all should
know. Those powers you have, they have side effects. Every time you overuse
your potentials, you’ll have to face those side effects too. Side effects can be
different according to your potential. So make sure to find your side effect along
with your potential.”
It was already 9.00 pm when our class ended. I was so exhausted with all the new
things I got to know. I fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Next day morning, I heard someone calling me while I was running to the class.
“Kai, wait for me” I turned around and saw it was Win. He came towards me and
put his arm over my shoulder.
“So. What’s up?” he asked.
“Nothing much. I’m just sad because my friends, Pete and Nom are acting weird.”
“Oh I see. Don’t worry too much about it. By the way, did you find your
“No, not yet. Did you?”
“I didn’t either”
With the small talk we’ve already reached my class.
I looked at Win and pointed at my class “This’s my class. I’ve to stop here.”
"Oh! Okay see you in the evening"
With that he left. Classes went on as usual. The only difference now was my
friends were kind of avoiding me. They didn’t talk to me anymore like they used
to. Even if I started a conversation first, they’d simply ignore me. It almost looked
like they were afraid of me.
I sighed. I felt so lonely. It was lunch break and I went to the cafeteria. I saw Pete
and Nom having their lunch in a corner. I was debating whether to join them or not
when I felt someone calling my name.
It was win, again.
“Are you alone? Can I have lunch with you?” he asked with his usual friendly
smile. I smiled back. I was so thankful that at least he wanted to be with me.
“Yeah, sure. Thank you for asking, actually. I thought I wouldn’t have friends
“Why would you think like that? Now that we all super 7 kids are special, we
should hang out with each other more often. We should think of each other as a family.”
"You’re such a nice person Win” he’s so kind and I felt so good to be with him.
“Oh, stop with your flattering already. I’m starving. Let’s eat” he dragged me to a
free table.

“Okay students, now raise your hands those who have found their potentials
It was past 6pm and we all gathered in our super 7 class. It was just a day ago we
got to know that we all got some kind of potentials. So even though Mr. Ray asked
about it there wouldn’t be anyone who have found their potentials except for that
electricity boy. Was it Andrew? I don’t actually remember his name.
But to my and Win’s surprise all the students raised their hands except for us.
"Oh you guys are amazing. Now I want each one of you to come here and
introduce your potentials.”
With that one student stood up walked towards in front of the class.
“Hi! My name is Kao. I’ve the ability to tell what others think. It’s sort of like
mind reading or telepathy. Wait, I’ll show you guys.”
“Win!” he called Win and the whole class turned towards him.
“Wh-what?” Win looked at everyone like a deer caught in headlights. Kao smiled.
“You’re now hungry and you’ve snacks in your backpack. You were thinking of
eating them secretly without Mr. Ray knowing. Am I right?”
“What? No! Wait, how did you find out?” the whole class laughed seeing Win’s
eyes widened.
“Well done Kao. It’s a quite interesting potential I must say. Keep improving and
you’ll see how far you can go with this potential” Mr. Ray praised him.
“Also Win, you can eat if you’re hungry. I’ll pretend that I didn’t see that” He
added further causing whole class to laugh again. Win looked down with a red face
due to the embarrassment.
"So far we know Kao and Andrew’s potentials. Who’s next?”
A pretty girl stood up next. “Hello everyone! I’m Yoon. And my potential is
shapeshifting” she said.
“Shapeshifting? What’s that?” a student questioned.
“I can turn into whoever I want.”
“Are you for real?”
“Can you turn into any person?” students started asking.
“Can you show it to us?” Mr. Ray asked.
“Sure.” She walked towards a student in the front row and touched his hand.
Suddenly her whole appearance changed into that student’s. They looked like
twins, not a single difference could be seen.
“Wow, interesting” Mr. Ray said.
“Thank you Mr. Ray. But I still can’t adapt that person’s voice yet. So I still have
develop” she changed into her usual self.
One after another, students came and introduced their potentials.
“Hello! My name is Tay and I can control any object as I wish without touching
it.” Then he pointed his arm towards Mr. Ray’s shirt’s pocket, and in instant, his
Pen was in Tay’s hand. It almost looked like he magnetized the pen into his arms.
Next a girl stood up. “My name is Jane and I’ll show you guys my potential. Hey
Win, can you help me please?” Win was in the middle of shoving some snacks into
his mouth and he froze when all the attention turned to him. He gulped down
quickly and walked up to her.
“Great! Now show me your hand” she said and Win extended his both hands
excitedly. Suddenly she took her hairpin and stabbed it into one of Win’s arms.
Win screamed in pain and blood came out from the small wound. She covered the
wounded area from her hand and closed her eyes.
When she opened her eyes Win was still screaming. “Stop screaming for a second
and look at your arm.” We all including Win looked at the wounded arm but there
was no a wound or even a mark.
“As you guys can see I’ve the power of healing. I found out it today at the morning
class” “Well done Jane. This power will help you a lot in the future. Keep improving”
Mr. Ray praised her.
“Okay then that’s it for today. I assume Kai and Win haven’t found their potentials yet?”
“Not yet sir” We both said.
“That’s okay. But you two have to work harder on finding that.” With that the class ended for the day.
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