VI. His Butler, Admiring

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In the eyes of... Sebastian Michaelis

When I entered my young master's room the next morning, I was surprised to find him awake. He was sitting on his bed. Head between his knees. His ears were red. I smirked.


Ciel's head shot up in surprise. His cheeks were bright red.

"You should have knocked!"

"I assumed you were sleeping as always.."

Ciel looked away from me in embarrassment.

I was wondering what had gotten him up so early.. Could it be..

"You couldn't sleep?" I asked, my eyes mocking.

Ciel shook his head.

I sat on the bed next to him. He was trying hard not to look at me.

"Could it be that you were thinking about last night?" I asked.

"Are you going to get me ready or what?" He said while he blushed furiously. 

I smiled. "Of course."

The water was the perfect temperature. Ciel dipped his toe in. When he approved he sat down in the tub. He was still blushing, though not as much as before.

I gently rubbed his arm with a fresh washcloth soaked in water. Ciel wasn't wearing anything.. this made his scent stronger. It made my mouth water.

"I think I'm ready for my kiss now." I mused.

"Too bad."

I looked into Ciel's eyes.

"We had a deal, remember?"

"I said once a day, I never specified the time." Ciel said.

I sighed as I moved the washcloth to the young master's back.

"Besides, your definition of a kiss is more of an attack. I need time to recover."

I was surprised to hear this. I was.. a bad kisser?

"So you are displeased about our kiss last night?"

"Don't call it our kiss! It's your kiss. I had nothing to do with it." Ciel's face burned up again.

"And it was horrible."

I considered that.. could it be that I had been too passionate?

"Well, how would you like me to kiss you next time?"

Discussing this whole matter made me feel more aroused. I was sure my eyes were glowing. Which, at this point they always were when I was with my master.

"This is improper." Ciel grumbled.

"I want you to enjoy our next kiss." 

Ciel shivered at the last three words.

"For one, keep your filthy tongue out of my mouth-"

"It is the only way I can taste you." I say calmly.

Ciel sighed. Then his face turned to disgust. And his eyes seemed to be remembering something. He looked beyond embarrassed.


"Whatever, kiss me however you want! Just don't bring it up again!"

I was wondering what had gotten him so distraught.

"Now, leave. I'll dry myself off."



I bowed to my master and left the room. I waited by the door impatiently while my master got ready.

I supposed I wasn't a bad kisser after all. Ciel was just not used to this. How adorable.

Ciel exited the bathroom, wearing nothing but his underpants. Usually this sight would have no effect on me. But of course, now was different. 

Ciel was much more self conscious than normal. It was like he could smell my desire and it made him uncomfortable. Which made him more appetizing. His innocence and purity were emphasized. And his soul smelled better than ever.

"Dress me already." Ciel said, looking anywhere but at me.

Black Butler: Mating Season (sebaciel, boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now