A/N: This has to be said.

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I've always preferred taboo topics over normal ones. I like interest. I like watching/reading things that I haven't already seen 2000 times. I love lolita even though you could also call that romantasizing a pedo relationship. I love twilight even thought it's 'toxic' (eddy is a vampire, i dont see why you would look at it like he's your every day 100+ yr old man but ok)

For me art (any art form) is an escape that has nothing to do with morals, standards or anything. I think art is best when it is raw and not all polished up and cleaned out. When songs have swearwords, I want to hear them. When there are intimate scenes, I want to see them.

There are so many TV shows with topics like murder, cheating and what not.. and we all watch it without judgement. Because it's not real. It's just a fantasy, and it's exciting and interesting.

It's fine to watch people glamorize and romantasize killing someone or blowing shit up that doesn't belong to you(every action movie.. EVER), but when it comes to r*pe a lot of people pull the plug. which sounds a bit messed up to me.

I know the latest mating season update has offended some of you. But if you can't handle noncon situations, you probably shouldn't be reading this book at all. There have been many noncon situations PLUS let's not forget Ciel's age so.. to suddenly say that this has gone too far just because it seems more forceful than the other situations is a bit off.

chap 5

Suddenly his tongue slipped into my mouth.

Alarmed, I tried to push him off me.

Of course he pretended not to notice.

What do you call this? Is this consensual?

Without the noncon situations, this story can't advance. Ciel's personality would never allow Seb to do anything. The story would be boring and nothing would happen. In fanfics I always try to stay close to the characters. When I read a ff I read it to see the same characters in different situations. It's beyond out of character for Ciel to go 'yess sebby, lets bang!'

In case you were wondering, yes, I'm pretty upset. I always find my escape in writing and all the other things I do and to then be told to delete something and say it was uncalled for when it makes total sense for the story is a bit sad and a little irrational in my opinion.

I will not be deleting any part of mating season, as this is how the story goes. Ciel's response/ perception to what happened is going to be different from what you may agree with. But as I said, this is a story, not reality.

If you want a book on how to live perfectly you should probably read the bible (i guess). This is fiction, none of the things I write about are my opinion, or how I want to see things happen in real life.

I also want to clarify that I hate writing sx scenes bc it's really hard to write about something you yourself don't care for. So I just went with what I thought made the most sense. And I tried to make it steamy but... I guess it burned lol. I pretty much wrote it for you guys (I would've skipped that sht so hardd) bc yall were expecting it/ looking forward to it. So I'm sorry I let some of you down. I at least wanted to make it detailed enough since I like books to be very detailed. But.. It won't be this detailed from now on lol.

Okay, end of the rant. As lana once said: I don't mean to beat a dead horse.. but I had to get this off my chest.

The story shall continue, woOOop!



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