IV. His Butler, Explaining

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In the eyes of... Sebastian Michaelis

I sat on a chair, two meters away from my young master's bed. He lay on his side, facing me. Glaring at me.

I knew he was sick of how I'd been acting. As was I but there was simply no way to control it. All I could do was try to be as cautious as I could. I still smelled him from two meters away, although his scent was not as strong. That made things easier.

And it made him angrier.

He was almost growling at me.

Suddenly, he sat up.

"Tell me." He said.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Tell me what's going on. You've been acting strange for days now. I want to know." He looked at me with a serious expression. To any outsider he seemed fearless. Maybe even indifferent about my answer. But I knew him. He was scared.


"Don't give me that!" Ciel screamed. "I'm not an idiot. You're going to tell me why you've been acting the way you have! That is an order!"

And I could not say no. Still, I tried to avoid.


"There's only one answer to this question, Sebastian."

I sighed.

"Yes, my lord."

How was I going to tell him this? I had to put it in a way so he would understand.

I got up and sat down on Ciel's bed.

"I tried to hide it but.. I suppose I failed.."

"Hmpf!" Ciel rolled his eyes.

I chuckled.

"Demons.. we live to eat human souls. That's our entire life's purpose. That is all we know. And we do this by ourselves. We don't often travel in groups and we feel no need to be in contact with other demons. We exist solely to make contracts with humans and eat their souls. But every certain amount of years.." I looked at my young master for a moment. His eyes were wide with curiosity.

"We get the urge to.. find a mate. Another demon, that is. I suppose in human terms, you would call it Mating Season. During this time two demons merge together. When this happens there is no need to consume human souls. The souls that both demons have consumed throughout their lives come back to surface and color their reality in a bright pink. It feels euphoric. There is no hunger because it feels as though you're consuming souls constantly, as long as you're merged with your partner."

"So it's an illusion?" Ciel asks.

"Yes, I suppose so. Although after the mating season is over and you separate you still feel full for a long while. It is quite amazing. All those flavors.." I've only done this once in my lifetime as it is incredibly rare. But I remember it vividly. I lick my lips.

"That's a lovely story but it doesn't explain why you've been acting the way you have."

I sigh. I have to tell him.

"During mating season demons feel very.. driven to.. merge. The merging of two demons is similar to what sexual intercourse is to humans."

Ciel blushed profusely.

I tried to hide my smile.

"The only way to merge with another demon is if you don't have any contract standing. But since I have a contract with you, I am unable to merge. So all the feelings that would normally go to another demon are now all pointed.. at you."

My young master's eyes went wide. And his cheeks were flustered.

"Your smell, your hair," I ran my fingers through his hair. He sits still like a statue.

"Your eyes.. You've been driving me mad these past few days. I've been trying to keep my distance but you make it quite impossible."

"B-but I'm not a demon.." Ciel stammered.

"Call it a biological flaw. Since I don't have a demon-mate, all those feelings and desires turn to you. That in conjunction with the high amount of souls I would have consumed and the taunting smell of yours, results to you being irresistible."

Ciel looked away embarrassed and frustrated. How I loved his mixed expression.

I was sure by now my eyes were a bright pink. I wasn't going to be able to control myself any longer. I still had a contract to finish and I needed to raise his soul properly so as not to taint it's flavor. There was only one way to do that.

"And that is why I must leave."

Black Butler: Mating Season (sebaciel, boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now