Chapter 20

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This chapter is based off of a video I saw on YouTube!

They say your whole life flashes before your eyes moments before you take your last breath. I can't say I don't believe them for I've experienced it. Here I stand watching my body lie on that hospital bed lifeless depending on tubes to live while the man who got me into this is no where to be found. My kidnapper ran away and got away yet again with ruining my life. I'm left wondering if I will live or will I die? It's my choice they say, but I've been trying. I lay on myself to try and sync back, but nothing. Is it really my time to go? Is this what my life amounts to? I walk the halls of this cold and horrible place waiting to either live or escape.

I watch the entrance as my friends flood in, but one face I was desperate to see hasn't even showed up. I watch as they all panic and question the nurse frantically. All she could reply with is "I'll update you when I know more" . Then he came.

"Where is she!" He screams

He was here. Oh how I wanted to run up to him and hug him telling him I was there, but it was useless for he couldn't see me, couldn't feel me, and most of all didn't know If I was alive.  I so badly just wanted to wake up and hold him close.

But should I let go? I am ruining his career.. his dream job that he earned at the age of 16. I couldn't take that all away from him just because some low life is threatening me. There is a catch, if I leave this world Harry would get killed no matter what, but with me here I could protect him as much as possible.

"Will she be ok?" He frantically asks one of the doctors

"We don't know. Only time can tell"

What a shity response, but yet so typical from a doctor. God Damn it Harry I am here, and I so badly wish I could show him that I really am here. I watch as he sneaks into my room and takes one of my limp hands into his ass he tears up.

"No! No don't cry Harry I am here" I sob

"I wish I could've protected you more..but I am a horrible Boyfriend" he cries

"No you're not..please I am the horrible person who got you into this mess" I reply knowing he couldn't hear me

"God I would do anything for you to wake up and show me you are ok, but things don't work out like that do they? Bad people don't deserve good..I don't deserve you because I let you down. If I lose you I could never forgive myself." 

"Harry no! Please don't give up hope! Im here right in front of you" I scream out

"Hey you're not allowed in here!" A nurse yells

"Sorry..I had to see her"

"I understand, but you need to leave"

I watch him walk out and I tried calling out for him, but nothing. I run after him and attempt to grab his arm, but I just slip through him. I break out into tears. It was really the end of me was it?

{A/N}: So so short, but Hey im working on this again! So don't give up just yet!

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