Chapter 5

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Killing Styles Chapter 5-

I woke up with my head resting on Harry's shoulder. Crap I fell asleep. I lift my head quickly causing me to get dizzy.

"Aha hey sleeping beauty" Harry smiles

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask rubbing my eyes

"A few hours, if you don't mind me asking, but why were you screaming and almost crying in your sleep?"

..No..I have to tell him, but I know I can't. Think Ev think!

"I don't know, I-I uh was having a bad dream?" I shrug..I'm a horrid liar.

"Nice lie, but you can tell me the truth."

Just then my phone started ringing. I completely forgot I had a phone, a phone that wasn't even mine. The number was blocked, but I knew who it was.

"I have to take this" I give Harry an Apologetic look and walk to the bathroom.


"Keep your mouth shut or last night will happen again you got it!" Trevor yells

"'d you-" I was cut off with him hanging up. Ok he was seriously watching me, Everly you have to either talk fast or figure out how he knew I was close to telling Harry. He bugged me..I took off my jacket and threw it out the window.

"Everly why'd you do that?" Harry asks

"There- there was a bug on it. " I blush

"Oh, I see you're scared of bugs?"

"Yes" no

"Why don't I get you home? I have to attend a party"

"Oh" I frown

"I'd bring you, but no offense this party is a dressy party."

"Oh, ok. Ill walk it's not to far" I smugly reply

"No, you don't have a jacket. I'll bring you"

"No! I'm fine" I quickly run out

******back at the house******

"I'm out, kill me ok?" I scream in the mans face


"Kill me, find someone else ok? I'm done. I'd rather be dead then kill him" I cry

"Stop fucking crying! Ill do it boss, I'll take her somewhere and do it quick" Trevor smiles

"Just get her out of my sight, I don't want to fucking see her. And do it quick" he orders Trevor

Trevor blindfolded me and brought me to a car. I brought back all the memory's, how bad everything family didn't care for me..the boys didn't know and probably wouldn't care..I'm useless really. So dying shouldn't effect anyone..except Michael.

After a few moments my door opened and he grabbed me and pulled me down to the ground..

"I'll be nice but still mean Everly. Ill still shoot you, but somewhere that you'll live."

"What" I shriek

"And the best part is, that we are outside Harry's hotel room." He starts laughing then I hear him pull out the gun.

"Bye Everly, I'll see you soon" then I heard him pull the trigger. I let out a sharp scream as I felt the bullet go through my stomach by my appendix. I heard him run and heard Harry's door open.

"Everly!" Harry shrieks and that's the last thing I hear before passing out.


"Everly baby!" I hear a familiar voice

"M-mum" I choke out

"She's awake!" My mum blubbers

"Ev!" I hear Michael say

"M-Michael" I whisper

"Shh the doctors coming" my mom cuts in

Like she said, my doctor walks in ordering everyone out. She walks over and checks my pupils and blood pressure. I start coughing and it feel a sharp pain in my stomach causing me to wince.

"Yeah, take it easy Ev, you were shot really good. You're lucky Mr.Styles brought you in as soon as he could, or you could have bled out" my doctor says checking my wound

"Mr.Styles?" I question

"Yes, he's quite famous. You're lucky he found you darling. I'll let you rest ok?" She smiles

I try to remember everything that happened. Just trying to remember things made my head hurt. I decided to sleep more thinking it would help my pain. Boy was I wrong, I woke up an hour later screaming because the sharp pains. Doctors and nurses flooded in checking every thing and inserting a medicine in my IV.

Days later, I'm feeling a little better. Much to my surprise my parents visited often. Today no one has visited yet, I didn't expect a lot of people to visit. I hear a faint knock at my hospital door.

"Come in" I say

There he was, Harry, I finally remembered what happened. He was wearing a tight black shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. He looked nervous.

"Hey" I quietly say

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asks

"Sore, but a lot better from the first day" I smile

"thats good"

"thank you harry" I say

"Don't thank me, it did scare me. Did you see who shot you?" He asks

"No, it happened to fast" I lie

"Oh, well I'm glad you're ok. When are they letting you out?"

"Tomorrow, if they don't find anything wrong tonight"

"Well, if you're well enough..would you..would you like to uhm possibly do somewhere to eat?" He asks

"Like a date?" I smile

"Sure, a date" he smiles his dimples making its appearance

"Yeah sounds great"

"Ok, well I have to go. Text me when you get out and I'll pick you up?"

"Ok" I nod

<{ Ok, yes she was set free. BUT NOT FOR LONG DUN DUN DUN..MAYBE..she maybe free or may not..stay tuned! }>

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