Chapter 18

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The rest of the night dragged on, and I soon fell asleep in Harry's arms. I didn't sleep long though. I woke up shortly due to a horrible dream. I shot up sweating and breathing heavily. It felt so real, and scared me bad. I quietly slide off the bed making sure not to wake up Harry.

I tip-toe down the cold wooden steps and find Gemma in the kitchen making what I assumed was hot cocoa. I walked in and took a seat at the island. She gave me a sympathetic smile and handed me a mug full of Hot cocoa. I smile and nod accepting the warm mug.

"Can't sleep?" She then asks

"Yeah, bad dream" I frown

"Ah I'm sorry, but hot cocoa usually helps me relax if I can't sleep"

"Same for me. I'm kinda glad you're up to" I reply

We sat there talking about harry, clothing, music, and pretty much anything else. I didn't notice how much time had really gone by until Anne walked down in her robe followed by Harry.

"How long were you up?" Harry asks taking a seat beside me


"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You looked so peaceful" I shrug

Anne cuts him off by asking if we'd all like to go out to eat for breakfast, which we all happily agreed to. We drove to a small café that Gemma recommend. I order pancakes while everyone else ordered french toast. We were heavily in chit chat when a different waitress walked up and dropped a plate down Infront of me reading,

"Enjoy your last meal"

I threw it almost immediately and got up about to run before Harry grips my wrist. I give him a saddened look while Gemma and Anne give me a bewildered look. I rub my eyes and take a breath.

"Harry I need to go" I whisper


I apologize and walk out quickly followed by Harry, and Ofcourse some stray photographers. I quickly get into the car and wait for harry. We drive off before I explain what happened in there.

"What was that?" He questions

"The frosting it said enjoy your last meal! Harry he's now making it public, and more serious!" I panic

"Relax. He won't do anything to soon. He's just trying to get you worked up"

"Harry he wouldn't do something so public! He's serious! I need to see Damon now"

"So you can go to him, but not me?"

"Harry don't start this please!" I beg

He ignores me and picks up his speed then comes to an abrupt stop sending me foreward. I give him a puzzled look and he glares at me.

"Everly. You're my girlfriend and I want to be able to talk to you, help you, comfort you, and most of all protect you! And you're not letting me do that!"

"Harry Im trying not to destroy your life! You have a great job, amazing family, and I don't have any of that! I miss Michael and can't even see him so I can't protect him. I'm risking to much to be with you harry! I think it would just be safe if we broke up and I left your life. It would keep you safe" I look down

"No! Look at me and say you don't want me!"

"I cant"

"No! Do it Everly!" He yells scaring me

I look up with tears about to spill from my eyes and prepare to say the worst.

"Harry I can't be with you! I can't date you and I can't be friends either!"

He punches the steering wheel and screams. I watch in horror and sadness as the man I absolutely love break down in front of me because of my messed up life. I get out of the car and run as fast as I can. I run inside the gym ignoring the lady and run to Damon's office crying. I quickly open and shut the door and fall to the ground in tears.

"Everly?" I hear Damon question

"Everly what's going on?"

I cry out even more curling up into a ball. I couldn't explain it now I didn't want to. After a few times of him questioning him he gave up and sat there with me waiting patiently for me to answer.

The man haunting me finally broke me and I've lost everything...a deep burning anger coursed through my veins building up more hate for this man. He was the reason for my tears, for me losing everyone, and most of all the reason I'm forgetting everything I believed in and fighting him 10x harder then I ever would. Two could play this game.

Oh boy! Sorry super Mega late update and super short, but I finished my work and felt like writing. I'm almost half way done with my senior year (5 months til graduation) and oh have I been busy! Finals next week and boom Christmas break! I'm getting a new iPad mini for Xmas so that I will start writing more on so hopefully more updates? Plus second semester is like easy for seniors! Hope you enjoyed this short update!

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