Chapter 1

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.Chapter 1-(sorry may skip time a lot in this chapter xx)

This story belongs to takemehome_hazza ©2013

Everly POV-

I grew up In A rich family, but unlike most rich teens I didn't get what I want. I had to work for everything I needed, and my parents rarely were around. My dad was a security guard for some band and my mum she is a lawyer so she chooses to stay at the office. I had no siblings either so you could say I was lonely a lot. I lived in a big neighbor hood, but I knew no one who lived here sept for my best friend Michael. He was over at my house basically every living second. He had other friends ofcourse, but he felt bad that I was left alone all the time. He was in a band so I followed him and his bandmates around for small gigs.

I woke up at 7:10 like everyday getting ready for another boring day of school. I go to a private school so uniforms were all I could wear. I was just lucky I could pick out my shoes. I take a quick shower and brush out the knots in my hair then change into my uniform. I hear the door open, just be Michael because he is the only one with a key.

"Hey" I turn and see Michael.

"Michael?! OMG I'm getting dressed"

"I don't mind" he smirks

"Get out, go pack my lunch" I smile

"Why?" He pouts

"Pleaseeeee" I beg

"Fine" he walks out

"I loveeeeee youuuu" I yell

Aha usually I made him make me a lunch because the lunches sucked. I quickly straighten my hair and run out, I walked into the kitchen and watch Michael throw random stuff in my lunch bag. I quickly grab it and make a run towards the garage. I was always late because michael was a slow poke, but today I'm not going to be late! I park the car leaving me 10 minutes to get to first hour. I walk in and take my usual spot.

"Ah Miss.Myles you finally got here on time" the teacher announces to the whole class.

"Glad you finally noticed something" I reply


I grab my lunch bag from my locker and place everything else in the locker. I took my time walking to the lunch room. I always sat by Michael and his bandmates, Calum, Luke, And Ashton. I walk up to the table ignoring their conversation.

"Ev heard you got sent to the office third hour" Luke says

"What?" Michael asks

"Well the teacher was being a smart ass and I decided to put my imput sorry" I shrug

"Ev if you get sent to the office one more time you'll get kicked out and your dad will be pissed!" Michael says

"Oh well, if I get kicked out I get kicked out it won't kill me" I say

"That's the spirit" Ashton smiles

I open my lunch bag and food just falls out.

"Michael what the help did you pack me?!"

"Well I'm never good at that so I just put random stuff in there"

"Oh my god"

"Oh Ev we have a gig next week on Saturday you have to go!" Calum smiles

"Why not!" I smile


Michael got a ride from Calum so I drove home alone. He promised to stop by later, but I know he always forgot. I walked inside going directly to the kitchen and making a decent meal unlike my lunch. After I was done I walked up to my room and locked my door. I blared my music and turned on my computer. I went directly to my blog and started typing. See I blog, I do have a Facebook and what not but I rather blog then read people's stupid whine baby posts on Facebook. My phone started vibrating on my desk and I quickly unlocked it and saw a text from Michael.

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