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This was Louis' first time being beat in FIFA, it wasn't going so well. Defeat is not something that this stubborn bitch will admit to, not now and not ever.

"Ha, sorry Louis, but we won, again."

Emphasizing on the again, Liam and Zayn high-fived while taunting Louis with his newly found way of losing.

The electricity was definitely felt by Zayn, but what about Liam?

"This game is bullshit, let's do something that isn't rigged."

Louis threw the Xbox remote behind him, not caring where it were to land.

"Whoa, we've got one sore loser on our hands,"

Liam laughed off to Zayn, Zayn's cheeks a bright pink by how close his face was to Liam's.

"Tell me something I don't know."

The more Liam laughed the more Zayn's day perked up, who knew that one boy could do this to someone so broken-and not even be aware of it.

Eyes lazily grazing over to the clock beside the tissue box it showed 3:54 am, hinting that they should probably get off to bed now.

"Ya know what, I think I should hit they hay about now, Zayn coming?"

Liam asked, hoping Zayn would follow so he wouldn't have to walk alone, in the dark. Liam was afraid of the dark, a childish terror, but who knows what could happen when you can't see anything.

"S-Sure, coming."

They aren't even dating yet Zayn is already so whipped, he'd do anything for Liam in the blink of an eye.

Louis set his bed on the couch, laying his sheets brought from home over the cushions in the neatest way possible, which happened to look not as bad as he would've thought.

His mind drifting off to the fact that he hasn't seen Harry since earlier in the day, and that brought a pout to Louis' usually smiley face.

Plopping himself onto the uncomfortable ridged couch Louis' last thoughts before he drifted off to sleep were of the curly-headed flamboyant boy upstairs.


Here and there Harry sometimes craves apple juice before he falls asleep.

Flinging himself out of bed he wobbled over to the door, unsure if he was going in the right direction. Apparently he was since his hand found the doorknob quicker than expected.

Carefully shimming his was downstairs Harry nearly tripped on the last step, refused to turn on the lights because if one light was on, they all were on. Plus it would blind everyone in sight while waking them up with grumpy attitudes.

Harry's lips attacking Louis' neck, marks left for territorial reasons. Louis arched his back to the point where Harry was straddling him, grinding hard-ons' against one another repeatedly,


Harry whooshed around in one swift motion, who in the world-

There was someone on the couch, thoughts in his head jumbling back and fourth whether to venture who it was or not.

Gripping fiercely onto Louis' bum a small whimper was grumbling from him, Harry kissing and leaving hickeys along his jawline, all groans could be heard from rooms away.

"Ha- Haa- Haaaryy-"

Didn't take long for Harry to detect who's voice, Louis'.

Placing his cup of apple juice onto the island he creeped over to the bloke perched up on the couch,

"Uhm, Louis did you say my name?"

Shoving his own hand down his pants Louis began to touch himself, longing for Harry's touch instead. Harry shook his head as in a 'no, no, no' way and snatched Louis' hand out from pleasuring himself.

"You-u, I nneed, h-hand I want,"

Harry was mortified, he attempted to rattle Louis for a third time, not helping.

That's when he finally realized what was happening, holy fuck.

Snapping his head back and yelping,

"HHARR-," Harry snatched his hand over Louis loud mouth. Then for about the fifth time, Louis shoved his hand back into his pants.

Harry's eyes couldn't stop staring at the outline of Louis' whoo hoo through his white shorts.

All the wanted to do was to help Louis, but how? Screw it, Harry was going to do it.

Without giving a second thought Harry felt Louis shutter as his hand slipped down the boys' pants.

Gliding up to the tip already drenched in precome Harry clenched, earning another quite loud groan from Louis. The poor boy had no experience except for watching short porn clips, but he seemed to get into some sort of a rhythm.

Sliding his hand up and down, Louis gripped as hard as he possibly could to the sheets below them both, while gnawing on his lip.

Each breathe taken, gathering more lust than the one before.

The sweat trickled from Louis' forehead, causing Harry's pants to grow tighter.

Squeezing Louis one last time, in less than two seconds he released in his pants, still asleep.

Harry's hand covered in the white substance he's never been face to face with before.

"Thank you baby."

Louis croaked out, still obviously sleeping talking.

Eyeing the fuckboy while sucking on his own fingers Harry answered,

"You're welcome Daddy."



Sorry I suck at writing smut


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