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Friday, 9:06pm Harry just finished his shower and was ready to hit the hay.

Friday, 9:06pm Louis was ascending up a tree not so far away.

Shuffling his towel through the wet dripping miraculous curls Harry inserted his hairless legs into a pair of tight calvin's and covering the ugly with a charcoal pullover.

Shutting his lights off he got himself pumped up and slipped his unusually large hands-for a fourteen year old-under his pillow.

Drifting the newly paid for laptop out, Harry held his index finger on the power button for about three seconds and he was ready.

This was his time alone, his favorite time of day.

Once Google Search engine popped up his fingers went flying across the keyboard, struggling to type in 'Gay Porn'.

Of course incognito dirty Harold had previously fully inspected most of the videos out there on the revealing website, but just his luck it happened to be updated today.

Clicking the newest video Harry's eyes began to glue themselves to the screen, and sooner than later his hand found it's way to the throbbing hard on just below.

Sure, Harry was pretty good at satisfying himself, but that doesn't take care of all his needs.

To the point where Harry almost reached his climax, two vaguely heard taps came from his window.

Not bothering to stop, and not giving two shits Harry kept pleasuring himself.

Then another two taps.

Then another.

Still unable to make himself come Harry leaped out of bed and strolled over to his window in all his glory. You could see everything but his chest, it's not like he wanted someone to see it in the first place.

There he saw Louis Tomlinson perched upon his roof.

Crouching to the floor Harry struggled to open the window, but eventually he found the strength to. Always finding himself stronger and more vigorous around the older boy.

It was too dark for Louis to make out and or notice anything but Harry's face, he hasn't found the show patiently waiting for him downstairs just yet.

Climbing into Harry's bedroom Louis set the mood,

"Why hello baby, I can barely see you,"

Harry then guarded hands over his boner, praying that Louis wouldn't realize that he is naked under there and horny as ever.

"H-Hi Louis-"

Gathering the boy into a hug,

"Oh baby I'm so sorry that I came over so late at night it's just I needed somewhere to go and-"

Louis slightly felt something poking his leg,

"H-Harry what- oh."

It was too dim to heed, but Harry's face was beet red and so was another thing if you know where I am going with this.

Leaning onto his shoulder Louis seduced,

"Get on the bed."

He did strictly what his Daddy implied, not even daring to question nor hesitate.

Jaunting around the extensively fine room Louis started,

"Why baby, I didn't think this would go as it is, I-I"

Calmly approaching Harry, Louis' eyes lit up in the black room and asked with desire,

"Harry Styles, do you want this?"

"Yes-s, I do wish for this,"

"Okay then lay down, I don't think you realize what you signed yourself up for a second or two ago."

The boy did what he was told and didn't speak a word more.

Getting off his baby Louis had more to deliver, this time in a delibrate tone, "Listen baby, I don't do romance, I do sex. I don't do flowers and chocolates, I do buttplugs and dildos."

Harry's head shot up at those words, he's seen them on porn videos before and didn't want to experience that kind of pain.

"Ha, don't worry baby I won't do that to you, yet."

Continuing on with a strike, "I will only call you 'baby' in the bedroom or when we are alone, you can call me anything but Louis in the bedroom. Around others I will call you Harold and or Harry, not baby. Although we all know behind closed doors something else goes on. In public you will refer to me as Louis, nothing more, nothing less."

"Outside the bedroom you can do whatever or whoever you want, inside the bedroom you follow my rules."

With that Louis battled his crave for sleep the best he could, only ending in a yawn.

Parking his ass next to the half naked boy Louis finished,

"C-Can I just cuddle with you baby?"

Harry sat up in bewilderment,

"Of course you can-n,"

Both the boys swooshing into the cozy sheets in nothing but silence.

Laying his head on the pale pink pillow Louis yawns out, "Goodnight baby."


Harry was spooning Louis, which lead him to think,

Who was the real baby?




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