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Louis' eyes darted to a room he's never ventured in before. Should he check it out? If he hasn't been in it before than it most likely wasn't important.

Skipping past the unknown room Louis pounced onto Zayn's waterbed, praying that it didn't pop; like last time.

Zayn had a mini fridge stuffed with strong vodka squeezed in the back that Louis was unaware of, for a reason. It was used when Zayn was going through the tougher times in his life, losing his father. Louis knew exactly how hard that is to process, losing a loved one, or close to losing one.

Just then Louis spotted it, the fridge.

Practically knocking over Zayn's nightstand in the process, Louis dashed to what he thought was Zayn's secretive drawer of his personal drawings-he was an amazing artist. Apparently it seemed that Louis' vision was off a tad bit, or he would have detected that it was a place to store foods and drinks.

Doing the frog stance Louis tugged on the door with a cool brush of air to his face, he found bottles filled to the tip with alcohol, jackpot.

Stealing the first one his tiny hand found he started downing it.

Louis always thought drinking and getting drunk alone was boring and gave you the title of 'loner'.

Bottle in hand Louis stumbled his way out of Zayn's room and found himself knocking on the door beside it. Sure, as if someone were to be really in there.


"One second Zayn,"

Harry was a very patience person most of the time, just not tonight. Three more bangs on his door were heard and known, each louder than the one before causing Harry to jump.


There was no way in hell that Harry could finish that sentence after what-, who, was standing in front of him.

No awkward silence since Louis quickly cleared that up,

"Ahhh you must be the famous Harry Styles."

Louis mumbled out as Harry blushed bright pink immediately.

"Um, Hi, uhhhh, do you wanna come in?"

Louis was astonished, he thought the boy would be determined to kick him out of the house at first glance.

"I would be delighted to Harold."

"It's actually Har-"

"Well Harold is what I'm going to call you, okay baby?"

Louis finished by grazing his soft fingertips onto the boy's rosy red cheeks. He promptly picked up on Harry's 'easy to be embarrassed' instinct.

If Harry replied he was one hundred percent sure he would stutter, deciding against it he scurried over to his unmade bed reorganizing it the best he could.

"So Harold, do you go to Zayn and I's school?"

Louis questioned the flustered boy while circling his index finger around the bottle.

"Uhm, yes-s uhhh-."

Harry easily put together that Louis was too drunk to remember their short encounter in the schools bathroom, which he was thankful for.

"I apologize, Louis William Tomlinson at your service."

Louis gestured to his elevated hand for Harry to shake.

Once their fingers caught touch they both got warm, inviting, happy feelings inside. Louis was intrigued, but Harry was confused. They both tried their best to neglect the energy, but Louis being the drunken fool he was at the time just couldn't.

Placing the alcohol on Harry's dresser Louis plopped his sexy ass right next to Harry's nervous ass, glaring into his emerald green eyes.

Louis was the first one to break the ice,

"You don 't talk much do you Harold?"

Shaking his head no, Harry replied,

"Not normally no."

Louis narrowed himself so that he was face to face with the minor, one sudden move and their noses' would graze.

With a newly found deep and raspy voice Louis grumbled in a sexual tone,

"Well, you won't be needing your voice for what we are going to do."



But hey if there were no cliff hangers once in a while then the story would be boring af.

Feedback, no feedback? Idk I just want to know if you guys are actually enjoying this, because I'm enjoying writing it!



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