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Everyday Harry watches him from across the lunch room, all he wants to do is talk to him again.

Niall isn't oblivious to his surroundings, he notices when his best friend has his mind set on something, or someone in this particular case. He just needs to figure out who that someone might be.

"Harry you haven't touched your food for the past couple of minutes,"

Niall wished to get him out of his trance of stares-darted over to the twelfth graders' section-but failed.

"I know."

Harry shortly answered not caring about eating at the moment, only caring about the two o'clock hottie that was sitting next to Zayn.

"Harry who the hell are you drooling over?"

Niall's main hobby was to annoyingly tease Harry all day long. They have been attached to the hip from day one, not as lovers but as best friends. Been together through going into the closet to finally coming out, for both of them. Yes, Niall was gay as well and not afraid to show it, same as Harry.

"Drooling? I do not drool, well only occasionally when sleeping but-"

Harry fidgeted making it clear that he was nervously uncomfortable in the cheap ass plastic school lunch seats.

"Now don't go changing this extremely interesting topic on me Mr. Styles. I know you were fawning over one of the older students in this school and do not go doubting me for a second that I won't find out who."

Niall finished with a confident cheeky smile upon his pale cheeks, while pinching Harry's soft ones as if saying, 'no need to blush hun'. Too late, Harry was as red as the apple he ate this morning.

"It's nobody, I don't even know his name."

Thinking like this made a frown appear upon Harry's usually smiley face. That thought may have made him sad, but now subtlety peering over again what he saw made his eyes burn with hatred.


"Move over a little Lewis."

Her annoying nagging voice made Louis cringe every time he heard it, worse than nails on a chalkboard.

"Bitch for the fifty-thousandth time it's Louis, call me anything else and I'll tear off all those fake extensions and what is let of your hair."

Eleanor just ignored him like always and squeezed her scrawny ass right between Louis and Zayn. Zayn was too nice to actually call her out on it, but Louis didn't give a fuck.

"Excuse me whore,"

That's when she began to run her fingers up and down Louis' toned chest above his shirt. Louis may be a huge slut, but you need permission from him to touch.

Leaning in, breathing on Louis' earlobe she whispered,

"I need to go freshen up in the bathroom, wanna join?"

There was no way in hell Louis would bring her into his bathroom. Eleanor was one of the only girls that Louis rejected, she was too clingy. She never stops attempting to throw herself at him and it infuriates Louis. Not many people want her now a days, rumor has it that she bit her ex-boyfriend's dick so hard that it hurt him to even change pants. But, Louis knew that it wasn't true, he was the one that started it after all.

He doesn't want her, how in the world can she not see that? Everyone else can.

Slapping her grabby hand away Louis demanded,

"Eleawhore please leave this table and never fucking sit here again, if you look down you can see you don't turn me on now, you never have and never will."

Coming off strong and aggressive, she got the memo and backed off, for now.

"Mate wasn't that a bit harsh?"

There goes Zayn always looking out for any one that has feelings.

It came natural for Louis to just shrugged it off,

"Zaynie how else was I going to get her to leave me alone for the rest of the day?"

Eyes following down to his brandy new hand tattoo Zayn questioned why Louis was choice in a best friend, but then he reminded himself that he was the only one the accepted him being gay at first. Louis may not have Zayn's respect, but he will always have his support, love, and care.

"So anyway I'm thinking of having a party Friday, you know after all of our exams and shit."

Zayn's parties are always the most memorable, he knows how to throw a night to remember, that is if you aren't over intoxicated.

"My mum, step-dad, and sisters are traveling to London Thursday, meaning it will only be Harry and I-"

Yet again cutting the poor lad off Louis continues without thought, "Ahh so his name is Harry, I must meet this new step brother of yours."

Louis interrupted Zayn for probably the tenth time today, but he was used to it.

Zayn wouldn't admit it, but in the past couple of months knowing Harry, he felt like a real brother to him and he knew Harry felt the same vice versa. He would protect Harry at all costs, it oddly came natural to him.

"You can meet him as long as you don't scare him off. You most likely won't even see him at the party since I am going to allow him to invite a friend over, I don't want Harry in the party scene."

Louis always was well aware of Zayn's over protectiveness over literally everyone he cared for, but he thought it was unneeded. Louis was around that scene when he was fourteen and he turned out fine, yet plenty would disagree.



Sorry if this chapter was boring, it was just a filler.

And I just wanted to make it clear that I do not hate Eleanor in any way and her body is perfect, all bodies are perfect. I did not mean to make it sound as if I hated her, just that Louis couldn't stand her. I'm just going to rant for a second so just bare with me pls, in all my years of shipping larry I have yet to come across another larry shipper who called Eleanor ugly or dissed her physical appearance, so it pisses me off when I see anti shippers claiming that.

Anyway hopefully what I have planned for the next chapter will keep you all more entertained, as well as myself.

Thanks for reading ilyasm!!

don't look at me.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora