Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Bre's POV

"Your gay Jamie?" I asked him, personally shocked. No wonder he didn't want to tell me. He could loose his career.

"Yes. And I've been seeing someone whose still in the closet as well. But Tyler made me bring that girl home because he brought one home too." When Jamie told me about Tyler, I felt a little...jealous? Wait, no. Tyler's just a friend...right?

"Oh. Um who are you seeing? It's okay to tell me." I asked him. He got onto his phone and showed me pictures of this boy who had blonde longish hair.

Jamie knew I didn't know him, so he told me who it was.

"That's our goalie, Anders Lindback." He sounded genuinely happy. Oh I'm so excited for him. I crushed him in a hug, that's when Tyler walked in.

"Everything good now?" He asked me and Jamie. I let go of Jamie and walked over to Tyler.

"Everything is perfect. Are you ready to go to bed? Since it is 3:30 in the morning. Let's all just hit the hay." I told them both, yawning. Tyler chuckled and picked me up bridal style and ran into his room, gently putting me on his bed.

"Oh Tyler, I've missed you so much." I told him. He looked surprised.

"I missed you too breezy girl." He smiled at me.

Gosh those lips look so kissable. Oh my, Bre stop thinking about him that way. I snap out of my thoughts when Tyler tossed my pjs at me. I quickly thanked him and ran into his bathroom. I changed and walked out of the bathroom, into his room to see Tyler laying there, shirtless. I couldn't help but stare, oh girl those tattoos. STOP BRE, I tell myself.

"Enjoying the view babe." He's so cocky, I kinda love it. I laugh.

"Mmm not really. Maybe you should cover yourself up, Ty." I tell him, trying to be sassy. I obviously fail, cause he laughs at me and tells me to lay down. I grant him his wish and lay beside him.

My eyes instantly feel heavy, so I cover myself up and close my eyes.

"I love you Bre."

Then I felt nice lips on my own.


When I woke up the next morning, I looked to my left seeing if Tyler was there. Thankfully he wasn't. I got up and went to the bathroom, changing into my day clothes. I brush my hair and teeth then head downstairs. Nobody is here, yay. I look around trying to find something to eat, when I find a note, it read.


Me and Tyler had morning practice. We have a game tonight so your by yourself today, sorry. Anyway, there cash in my room for food if you would like to eat. See you when we get home. Love you.

-Jamie Benn"

All by myself today. This is going to be great. I walk up to Jamie's room and it surprises me. It was so clean. Like perfectly clean. His bed was even perfect. Holy cow I love this boy. I wish Jonathan was like this... Jonathan. I push the thought of him out of my head and grab the money that Jamie left for me.

I walk downstairs, grab someone's keys and head out. I got into Jamie's truck and went to go get some food. After I get food I go back to Tyler's house and watch tv. By now it's 6 pm. And I start watching the stars game, when my phone rings. I look to see who it is and its Jon. I decide to answer it.

"BreAnna. Where are you? I'm worried sick. I'm so sorry that I'm a bad fiancé, I'm such a terrible person. I really didn't mean what I said. It's just that coach was nailing on me because we've been losing. I know that it's not an excuse to be so mean to you, I know that. But at that time I just thought that everybody was against me so I go and do stupid stuff and hurt people. Bre I'm so sorry. I honestly am. I'm deeply sorry if I have ever hurt you in anyway shape, or form. I really am. I'm so sorry." He cries out. By now I'm in tears, crying with him. Nobody says anything for about a minute, until I speak up.

"I'm in Dallas, with Tyler and Jamie. I think I'm going to stay here for a while. If that's alright with you." I ask him. He sighs.

"Yeah that's fine. I'm just glad your okay. I'm so sorry I'm such a hot head and let everything get to me." He tells me again. Oh Jonny, how much I love you.

"It's okay. I forgive you." I calmly tell him. He lets out a breath, and chuckles.

"Bre I've got to go. Sharpy just pulled a prank on Pat. I love you so much baby. Call me when your coming home. Have fun in Dallas." He hangs up the phone. Alright then. I continue to watch tv until I fall asleep.

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