Chapter 20

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I woke up to my mom yelling mine and Jonathan's name extremely loud. I got Jonathan up and walked downstairs, not caring that I was in short sleep shorts and a tank top. When we got down there my parents were sitting at the island bar in the kitchen with 2 full duffle bags and an envelope.

"What's going on? If you want us to leave, we can. Our flight is only in two days though, but i'm sure we can change it, if that's what you would like." Jonathan spoke up. I looked at him and he was only in his boxers. I guess he didn't care about being almost exposed to my parents, but I guess my mother did as she handed him a throw blanket and told him to cover himself.

"No we don't want you to leave. We got the rest of your surprise here today in the mail." My mom gestured to the bags. I looked at the bags confused.

"What is the surprise? Are we staying her longer? Cause we can't, Jonathan has to go to Sundays game." I told my mom. She shook her head and sheepishly smiled.

"No, we talked to Coach Quenneville about this and he got Marian to go to your house and get clothes for you guys and mail them here." She said. Jonathan's foot hit my leg and I looked up at him, we wore the same expression, confused.

"Can someone tell us what's really going on?" Jonathan asked them. They nodded and my dad pulled out a second envelope with our names on it.

"Okay, so me and your mother think that you guys deserve a break for a little while so we booked a weeks long vacation somewhere. And we have already talked to coach about it and he said that he thought you needed a break too, so you guys leave tonight for a week." My dad happily tells us. I squeal excitedly, and hugged Jonathan.

"Where are we going?" I asked once I had calmed down. My parents both smiled and gave me the envelope. I looked inside and there was two plane tickets, I looked at them and about crapped my pants.

"WE'RE GOING TO VIENNA, AUSTRIA JONATHAN." I scream. I hug my parents after Jonathan hugs them.

"Oh my gosh, Jonathan. We have to visit The Schönbrunn Palace, oh and we have to eat at Amerlingbeisl, okay." I tell him. He looks over at me and gives me an eyebrow.

"So I'm guessing you know you stuff about Austria." He puts his eyebrow back in place and comes over to me and engulfs me in a big hug.

"Of course I do. I've been wanting to go to Austria since I was what, 9." I tell him. He nods, understanding.

"So why is this the first time I'm hearing about Austria?" He asks me. I shrug.

"Guess it never came up." I smile and kiss his nose and leave the room to go change. After I get down changing into some skinny jeans and a nice short sleeve printed shirt, I go over to Jaden's room to get Tyler up. When I got into the room both Jaden and Tyler weren't in there but the bed was made. I quickly run downstairs and search for them, when I don't find them I go into the kitchen where Jon and my parents are.

"WHERE IS TYLER?" I yell at them. They all jump at my sudden outburst. My mom has her hand over her heart.

"Jeez, BreAnna. Tyler is with Jaden. He is fine." My dad says. I grab the house phone and dial Jaden's number.

"Hello?" Some guy answers. What. In. The. Name. Is. She. Doing. With. A. Boy.

"Who are you and what have you done with my baby sister and my son." I spit at the man. He chuckles. Is he insane, this isn't funny.

"Are you Bre?" The man asks me. I hum.

"Yes, who are you? Can you just tell me where my son is, please don't hurt him, I love him." I say through tears. Jonathan comes over and hugs me, my parents give me concerned looks.

"If I told you my name, I'd have to kill you and precious baby Tyler. We don't want that do we now, Bre." He says skeptically. I stand up, ticked off.

"If you do not bring my child back to me, I will not hesitate to kill you myself. I will hunt you down and kill you myself. Now give me back my sister and my son, before I call the police and get you arrested for kidnapping my baby and my sister." I threatened him. He took a sharp intake of a breath.

"Look, Bre i'm just kidding. Jaden told me that it would be funny to pull a prank on you. I'm sorry if I had upset you." He tells me. I harshly laugh.

"WHO ARE YOU?" I scream at him. I hear shuffling in the back round until I here my sisters voice.

"Bre, calm down. Me and my friend were just playing around with you. Looks like we got you." Jaden laughs. I pull away from the phone and look at Jon and my parents and shake my head.

"It's just Jaden playing a joke." I tell them. Jonathan shakes his head disapprovingly. My parents get up and leave the room, I guess to leave me and Jonathan alone.

"Jaden, bring Tyler home right now. Do you understand?" I asked her. She sighs.

"I'll be home in a little bit." She snaps at me. I raise my eyebrows, knowing she can't see me I put them down.

"No, you will bring him and yourself home right now. Or I will call the police and report a kidnapping." I snap back her. 

"Fine, fine. We're coming back now. Be there in a bit. Bye." She says then hangs up the phone. I put the phone back on the phone dock area and walk over to Jonathan who has his head in his hands. I rub his back and hug him from the behind.

"You alright there?" I whisper in his ear. He nods into his hands. I pull his head up and made him look at me, I could tell he had been crying a bit.

"Why were you crying baby?" I ask him, concerned. He shakes his head and I gave him a look. He sighs.

"I was just scared about Tyler actually being taken away from us. That's to scary to even think about Bre, I never want to be in that position where he is actually gone." He cries more. I give him a sympathetic look and wipe his tears but more tears just keep coming out. 

"Baby. Tyler is fine, Jaden is bringing him home right now. He is going to be fine." I tell him as he shakes his head.

"No, Bre he isn't going to be fine. Do you know when our son starts school he is probably going to get bullied because he's different? I am defiantly ready to have our son cry on my shoulder because people pick on him because he isn't like every other kid. I am just scared for him, he is already sensitive." What he said hit a soft spot in my heart. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. I look at his facial expression and the tears fall.

"Jonathan, I promise your we will all get through this. I know it's going to be hard on all of us, especially you since you went trough that, but we just have to be parents and do the right things, if that ever happens. He might have a great time at school, he may be the smartest kid in his class, he may be the class clown, he may be alot of things, but you can't call him different because he's not. He is just like any other kid there is, yes he has a couple of imperfections but he is absolutely beautiful. I love him just the way he is, and I always will. I hope you can too." I tell him. All he does is nods and pulls me into him. We cry for a while when we hear the front door open and then we hear a deep voice.

"I wish I could have see your sisters face when I told her those things. Haha that would have been funny, right." That same voice says. I can see Jonathan's face turn to straight anger and he pulls away from me and tells Jaden to take Tyler upstairs and as she does that he grabs the boy by his neck and pushes him into the door. 

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He screams at the boy whose face is turning red. I try to pull Jonathan off of him but I'm not that strong.

"JONATHAN STOP. PLEASE." I yell at him, he doesn't listen. Instead of listening he punches the guy repeatedly.

"Dadda. Dadda." Tyler's voice calls out. Jonathan must of heard it because he lets the boy go and his face tuns back to normal. I look over at the stairs and see Tyler sitting at the top with Jaden. Tyler has a big smile on his face as he's holding his hands out for his daddy to pick him up. As Jonathan goes up the stairs and picks Tyler up my parents come up from the basement with concerned faces.

"Is everything alright? We heard yelling." My dad asks me. I turn to the boy who is lying on the floor in pain and smirk.

"It will be."

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