Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Bre's POV

I feel myself getting lifted up. So I open my eyes to see Mars. He gives me a heartfelt smile, I smile back.

"Breezy, the doctors said that he's suffering from a mild concussion. He should be getting his full memory back soon. He doesn't even remember playing hockey. It's going to be okay. Alright Breezy." Mars told me, while I'm still in his arms.

"I know. It's just that I miss him. I want to be able to feel his touch or feel his soft lips. Sorry if that's a weird thing to say." I chuckled up at him. He laughed with me.

"It's really not. I would feel the same way if it would have happened to Jana. I would hate it. I'm sorry that you have to go through this." He said to me. I said it was okay, then he put me down and told me I should go home. I told him maybe later. But I think we Both knew I wasn't going anywhere.

A couple of days later, Jon gets to come home. Yet he still thinks I'm his sister. It's kind of heart breaking but I'll be okay. He's currently in the car with me, on the way to our house.

"Thank you." His voice startled him. I wasn't expecting him to talk to me.

"For what?" I asked him, slightly confused.

"For being such a great sister. Mom told me that you've been staying in the room with me since I've been in there. It means a lot, lil sis. Love ya." He smiles at me. All I do is nod and pay attention to the road.

Bryan and Andy told me not to say anything about what we had to see if he could remember me on his own. It kinda brakes my heart knowing that I'm keeping things from him.

When we reach the house, I get him settled in and tell him good night.

A couple days have past and he still thinks I'm his sister. I've basically been ignoring him the best I can, I've just been reading the same book over and over, The Fault In Our Stars.

I've just gotten out of the shower and was getting ready for bed when Bryan called.

"Hello, Bryan. What's up?" I answered his call.

"Hello Bre, how's my boy?" He asked me. Great... I have been trying to get my mind off of him. Thanks Bryan.

"He's doing better. But he doesn't know who I really am. Can't I just tell him the truth? I don't like lying to him." I tell Bryan, truthfully.

"Bre. I know that this is hard and all, but the doctors want you to do this. Please just be strong." Bryan is always sweet, but lately he's been kind of jerky... Or maybe it's just me.

"Okay, Bryan." He told me a quick goodbye, so now I'm reading and trying to go to sleep... Since it's 1:30 in the morning. I can't sleep lately. I read some more then I finally am able to fall asleep. Falling into a dream of my baby.

I'm soon woken up by screaming...

"BREANNA LEIGH ADAMS!!!!" I hear someone screaming from Jon's room. I quickly get up from the couch and run up to see what's wrong.

"BREEZY... BRE... FIANCÉ... MY LOVE..." Jon screams more... What is going on?

"Jon, what's going o-" As soon as I walk into his room I'm cut off by him crushing the heck out of me.

"Breezy baby, I remember EVERYTHING." Jon says with a huge smile on his lips. I push him away.

"WHAT!! ARE YOU SERIOUS??" I yell at him. Omg his can't be happening.

"YES! You aren't my sister. Your my fiancé. We are getting married in a couple of months." He smiles at me. I laugh at him.

"Hmmm okay, what's my favorite food?" I ask him . Let's see if he does know.

"Macaroni and Cheese." He chuckles. Dang it.

"How many seconds does it take?" This is hockey related. He should know this.

"17 seconds baby." He whoops at me. Mmmm.

"How long have we been together?" I give him hopeful eyes.

"5 years. Almost 6 in about 2 weeks." He smiles down at me. Wow. Okay.

"Good job baby." I give him a wink. He chuckles.

I kiss him with all my love and passion.

Let's just say that night was pretty eventful... If you know what I mean..


Extremely short chapter. I'm sorry. Hope you guys liked it though. xoxo

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