Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

•1 year later•

Bre's POV

I was playing with Tyler. We were playing lion and baby tiger. Everything was going so perfectly until I got this call from my sister.

"Breezy, she's gone." Jaden sobs.

"Whose gone?" Worry is thick in my voice. She sighs.

"I know this is going to be hard for you, but Granny. She passed away thi-" she doesn't get to finish her sentence before I drop to my knees and uncontrollably cry. Tyler crawls over to me and lays his head in my lap.

"Maamm maaass. Uuu oootaaaysss? Tyler asks me. I look at him and I cry harder. An hour and a half later I'm done crying and putting 2 bags into my jeep and have Tyler strapped in his car seat. I stop by the United Center to see Jonathan. I put Tyler in his stroller and walk into the arena and when I step into the locker room Patty stops me.

"Hey, when's your lovely Gran coming back into town. We have a date coming up soon." He asks. Idk what happened, but I smack him across the face. I guess I smacked him hard because he's holding his face and groaning.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" Pat growls at me. I start to cry.

"SHES DEAD PATTY... SHES GONE." I yell at him. His face turns into sympathy. He comes over and hugs me. I take in his sent, which smells like Jonathan.

"Where is Jonathan. I need him." I pled out to Pat. He nods and points to the showers.

"Watch Tyler, please." I ask Pat, who nods. I don't even care whose in the showers, but when I find Jonathan I tackle him. He's turned around so he doesn't know who it is.

"GET OFF ME PAT." He yells.

"It's not Pat. It's Bre." I whisper. The other guys showering are now gone because I'm in here.

"Really, this couldn't wait until I at least got out of the shower? I'm naked." He says, stating the obvious.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before. And no this can't wait, Jon. She's gone." I whisper to him.

"Bre, whose gone?" He asks turning around. I turn the water off and hug him.

"Granny. Jon she's gone." I whisper again. He plays with my hair, while telling me it's okay.

"I'm going back to Kansas, and Tyler's coming with me. In actually on my way now." I tell him. His facial expression is screaming hurt.

"I'm coming with you, Bre." He tells me. I shake my head no.

"No, Jon. Your not. You have games to play. We will be fine." I tell him. He shakes his head again.

"BreAnna, no. I'm coming with you. You are my family. Gran is my Granny. Your not going without me. I'll tell Coach Q everything and he will cover the media, okay?" He asks me. I nod and hand him a towel.

"I love you." I tell him. He kisses my forehead.

"And I love you." He says while grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the showers.

"Ayye, Bre. Did you get some?" Ben Smith asks. I flip him off.

"No you idiot." I insult him.

"Sorry I even asked." He put his hands up in defense. I walk with Jon to his stall so he can get dressed.

"Pat, you can bring Tyler over here." I loudly tell Pat. He pushes Tyler over to Jonathan's stall and then take Tyler out of his stroller and holds him. Tyler laughs when Pat kisses him.

"Are you guys going to Kansas?" Pat asks us.

"Yeah, I'm going to go talk to Coach right now." Jon says running out of the locker room. Once we get the ok from coach we go back to the house and pack Jonathan's stuff and get on the road for our 10 hour drive to Kansas.

*11 hours later*

Once we get to my hometown I stop by my parents house. My mom answers the door and as soon as she sees me, she embraces me in a hug.

"I'm glad your here, BreAnna. Thank you." My mom says. She give Jon a quick hug and let's us in the house. Not many family members are here, just my sister and aunt and uncle, well and my dad but who cares about him... Not me. I smile at my family.

"Hey guys." I say walking over to my aunt and uncle. I give quick hugs and kisses before I grab Tyler out of Jonathan's hands and sit on the couch next to my dad.

"Dad, do you want to hold Tyler?" I ask him. He looks surprised but he nods and holds Tyler.

"Thank you Bre. This means a lot. I hope you know that I really do love you and care about your family." My dad's calm soothing voice tells me. I cuddle up to him.

"I know daddy, I know." I sweetly tell him.


Hey guys. Short chapter but I don't know of anything else to write about. Greeaat. Hope y'all have a fantastic day. Love you. xoxo.

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