Chapter 9

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Calista, Pan and Henry were in a room and Pan laid Wendy onto a bed with Henry beside him.

"How is she?" Henry asked.

"I fear she's getting worse, Henry," Pan said.

"But if I save magic... She'll live?" Henry asked.

"Yes, but more than that, Henry. If you save magic, you'll save us all but to do it, you have to truly believe," Pan said.

Wendy started to cough and Henry nodded, "I do," Henry said.

"Good, because we don't have much time, follow me," Henry said and they walked out to the Lost Boys.

"Boys! Tonight, the dream of Neverland will awaken from its slumber. Tonight, the heart of the truest believer shall fulfil its destiny and with it our destiny. Tonight, Henry saves magic!" Pan announced and the Lost Boys start cheering.

Calista looked at Pan, he took her hand and led her away, "Pan?" Calista said.

"I have a job for you, sweetheart," Pan said.

"What is it?" Calista asked.

"I need you to stay here and watch the boys," Pan said.

"...O...Okay," Calista said.

"Don't worry, I'll watch your grandson... No harm will come to him," Pan said.

"...Thank you," Calista said with a smile and they hugged, Calista looked over Pan's shoulder and rolled her eyes not believing a single thing.

Thank you," Calista said with a smile and they hugged, Calista looked over Pan's shoulder and rolled her eyes not believing a single thing

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Later in the jungle, Regina and Mr Gold were reunited with the group and Tinkerbell.

"Well, if this is your version of a rescue party, we got here just in time," Regina said.

"What are you two doing here?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Well, same as you, except we actually have a chance," Regina pointed to Pandora's Box in Mr Gold's hands, "Pandora's box. It could trap Pan for eternity simply by opening the lid," Regina noticed Calista wasn't there, "Uh... What happened? Don't tell me you saved Neal just to lose Calista?" Regina said.

"You didn't tell me my father was with her," Neal said quietly to Emma.

"I didn't know," Emma said.

"Wait, your father is the Dark One?" Tinkerbell asked.

"Yeah and he's not getting anywhere near Henry," Neal said.

"Where's Cali?" Mr Gold asked.

"Uh..." Emma said and looked at Neal.

"I'm not telling him, screw that," Neal said.

"She's, uh," Mary Margaret said.

"Well... The thing is..." David said.

"Hook, are you going to back out of it?" Regina asked.

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