Chapter 6

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Killian and Liam set foot onto the shore of Neverland, Liam picked up an envelope from their rowboat.

"What exactly does the King have to find on this island?" Killian asked Liam shows the envelope to Killian who opened it and took out of a drawing of a plant.

"A plant," Liam told him.

"We journeyed across the realms for a plant?" Killian asked.

"Our sources say it's magical. Potent enough to heal any injury," Liam said.

"So, we never have to bury another sailor at sear again... And if Calista..." Killian said.

"Yes brother, if that man has done anything to our little sister, we can heal her as soon as we find her," Liam smiled, "Now, you understand the importance of our mission and why it's just you and me doing this mission," Liam said.

Pan appeared out of nowhere behind them, "Are you two lost?" Killian and Liam turned around swiftly and drew their swords, "You look lost to me," Pan said.

"Identify yourself, boy," Liam said.

"I'm Peter Pan, I live here. Who are you?" Pan asked.

"Captain Jones," Liam sheathed his sword, "And my lieutenant," Liam glanced at Killian before looking at Pan, "We're here by order of the King," Liam said as Killian sheathed his sword.

"The King, huh? We don't have any King's in Neverland, just me," Pan said.

"That's funny. We seek this plant," Liam pulled out the drawing and showed it to Pan, revealing the plant was Dreamshade, "Now tell us, boy, where can we find it?" Liam asked.

 We seek this plant," Liam pulled out the drawing and showed it to Pan, revealing the plant was Dreamshade, "Now tell us, boy, where can we find it?" Liam asked

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Pan took the picture looking at it, "Your King sent you for this plant?" Pan questioned.

"You know it?" Liam asked him.

"Dreamshade? It's the deadliest plant on the island. Your King is really ruthless," Pan said.

"Nonsense," Liam said.

Killian looked at Pan, "It's medicine," Killian said.

"It's doom," Pan looked at them both, "Why fight a messy battle when you can kill an entire army with the sap of one plant?" Pan said.

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