Chapter 15

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Flashback: The Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

Calista walked out of her room in the Dark Palace and walked into the room opposite to see Naomi sat at the window looking at the sunrise.

"You're up early sweetie," Calista said and walked over to her.

"I couldn't sleep..." Naomi said.

"Same..." She sat beside her, "I miss him too," Calista said.

Naomi looked at the sky, "Why is it the scarier castle's have the prettiest views?" Naomi asked.

Calista chuckled, "I have no idea," Calista said.

End of Flashback

Calista walked into the pawnshop and shut the door behind her, she walked to the counter and the belle rang as someone entered, she turned to see Killian.

"Go away," Calista said and looked away from him.

"I deserved that..." Killian shut the door behind him and walked to her, "Come on, you know I didn't mean it like that," Killian said.

Calista turned to him, "No, of course, you were just looking out for me, like you always do, but I'm not the same little sister who was on the Jolly Roger with you for centries. All I am not apparently is just an emotional widow who's now lost her step-child and her actual child. I wonder why, I'm so touchy, so upset, so distracted... Oh yeah... That's right, most of my family is missing!" Calista said.

"Cali..." Killian said.

"Go join Emma and just focus on her. You and I both know that's what you'd prefer," Calista said.

"Calista!" Killian said.

"No, you know what... I'll make it easier for you... Get the hell out of my life," Calista said and walked away into the back.

Killian sighed and looked at the door then followed her, "I'm not leaving you alone," Killian said.

"You've done it many times before with other women, why is this time so bloody different?" Calista asked as she removed her coat putting it on the rack.

"Because you're right... You have lost your husband and now your children. Instead of arguing with the only family you truly have, I should... I shouldn't have said what I did last night... I should've just... I shouldn't have said it," Killian said.

"But you did! The one person who I thought would understand, you know losing me and then Milah, I thought you would've understood but, Killian can do whatever he wants and drag people along with him but Calista, oh no, Calista gets grounded because she's not a cold-blooded asshole," Calista said.

Killian took a deep breath and walked to her then hugged her, "I know... I know," Killian said.

"I feel so lost without her... My little girl," Calista said.

"Come on, you're joining us and I don't give a damn what they think. We don't leave family behind," Killian said.

"Give me a few, I'll join you soon," Calista said.

At the farmhouse, Zelena was walking down to her cellar where she saw Mr Gold spinning straw into gold in his cage and Naomi was sketching in her cage.

"Enjoying your little toy's?" Zelena asked them, she noticed Naomi moving closer into the corner of her cage.

"The spinning cleans the mind, soothes the soul... It cleans the mind, it soothes the soul. Cleans the mind, soothes the soul," Mr Gold said.

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