Chapter 33 - The End

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"What do you want to eat tonight?" Kyle asked already looking into the fridge to see what ingredients he had.

"I don't know, whatever you feel up to." Kyle and I had spent most of our off time together and I couldn't be more thrilled. The attention and little affection he did always brought a smile to my face. He'd brought me breakfast in bed just the other day because he knew I'd be in a rush for a meeting at J&Co so he'd woken up earlier to prepare everything.

I truly felt like a princess when I was with him and the feeling was exhilarating.

"How about a pesto tomato grilled cheese?" he offered.

"Perfect," I replied as I sat down on the kitchen stool and watched him move around setting up everything.

I checked my phone for a bit, and when I lifted my head back up, I caught him staring at me.

"What?" I asked as the blush crept onto my face.

He walked around the counter and settled himself between my legs.

"I can't help it if my girl's beautiful," he complimented as he brushed a hair behind my ear. The compliment warmed me all over and I leaned in to peck him on the lips.

"Your girl?" I picked up.

"You bet." He had this façade of confidence, but at the same time, I could see the vulnerability in his eyes. I could say no right now and he'd still respect that, but he'd probably be hurt by it.

"Your girl then," I answered kissing him deeper this time.

The beeping signaling our grilled cheese was ready to cut us apart, but the smile never left my face.


As I walked towards our training facilities this evening, I couldn't help but replay the conversation I had with Kyle in the lounge chair earlier this week. He had even considered changing teams for this relationship to work. I'll admit I hadn't expected that at all. Not only that but we were official. official as a secret relationship can be.

Now I knew for certain that we were on the same page concerning our relationship, and despite not having all the details figured out, eventually, we would and we'd do it together.

Just as I was about to reach out for the door handle, it slammed open, barely missing me as I swiftly took a step back. Yet that wasn't even the surprising part. Seeing that Peter was the one who had nearly knocked me over was.

"Hi?" I awkwardly greeted, only for him to stare at me briefly before smiling and walking away. As I watched his retreating form, a million questions ran through my head. What in the world had he been doing here? Could he know someone here? Clearly, he wasn't looking for me, or else he would have taken the time to speak with me.

My heart pounded in my chest but this time it wasn't the symptoms of giddiness or thrill. No, it was dread coursing through my veins.

Opening the door to the gym we trained at, I shared a look with Marketa and Al. There was a ball in my stomach, a feeling that something wasn't right. A gut feeling that tonight wouldn't end well.

"I just saw Peter," I announced to the girls as we stretched.

"When?" Alisson asked seeming as surprised as I was.

"I thought you broke it off with him weeks ago," Marketa continued. She was right, I hadn't seen, spoken, or even thought about Peter in weeks. His sudden appearance in my life again screamed bad news.

"Just now when I was coming into the stadium. We crossed paths when he was leaving," I whispered so no one else would hear. They didn't know Peter, but I also didn't want to have to explain anything to them. I loved the girls, but sometimes, they could get a little nosy.

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