Chapter 22 - Doubts

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"Did you wait here all evening just to check?" I asked, curious as to why he was still in the corridor at eleven o'clock.

"You wish," he teased. "I was just taking out the trash."

I started making my way up as we continued our friendly banter.

"Good cause that would have been a whole other level of creepy," I chuckled. "I'm beat, I'm going to bed. Night, Kyle," I said as I opened the door to my apartment. Speaking to Kyle after a date with another man seemed like treason. I know we weren't together or had anything going on, but the simple fact that I had slept with him and that the lines were still blurred between us made it strange.

Not only that but after a long week of training and work I was spent. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I couldn't even recall if I had taken the time to change into my PJs.

The next morning, I was glad to see it was Saturday. The only day off of the week considering the Beacons were playing Sunday night football against the Rams. The Rams were the favorites in this game, meaning our players would need to fight tooth and nail to stay in the game if they hoped to win it.

I took the time to clean up and change before heading down to the dance studio. I wanted to practice the new routines before tomorrow night.

As soon as I stepped out, I regretted not wearing a thicker jacket. November had been pleasant up till today. It felt like we had just lost five degrees Celsius overnight. Walking faster than usual, I arrived in the comfortable warmth of the studio in record time.

The morning went by in a blur and before I knew it, my stomach was growling begging for me to go have lunch. Checking the clock inside the studio I read half-past one. Yes definitely time to feed me.

I made sure to organize and clean up the room before heading out. As I locked the door behind me Sylvia showed up.

"I heard you had a date last night," she immediately started. Well hello to you to horny grandma. I thought to myself before laughing out loud from my joke. Well, that was embarrassing. "Did you finally tie the knot with this Kyle guy?"

"No way!" I exclaimed amused. We clearly lived at different ages. "I wasn't even on a date with Kyle," I revealed, before realizing something. "Wait a minute, how do you even know I was on a date yesterday?" I questioned.

"Details," she waved me off before continuing her questioning. "Please tell me you at least got some of his manly meat."

I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks for the conversation. She really was shameless. "Well, no..." I started before she interrupted me.

"Are you on a celibacy streak or gay maybe?" she asked before quickly adding "You know you can tell me, right? I won't judge."

I laughed; she sure was something.

"I'll let you know Silvia that I did get laid a few weeks ago," I divulged. To which I received a rather hard slap on the top of my head. "What?!" I exclaimed. "I thought you would be happy."

"Why am I only hearing about this now?!" It was her turn now to look outraged. "Well was it good at least?"

"Good? No, it was mind-blowing," I told honestly.

"Details, details," she pushed excitedly.

"That's going to have to wait, I need to get home," I answered while quickly making a rush for the door.

"I'll hold you to that. Don't think I'm going to forget just because I'm an old lady!" she screamed through the entire lobby making a few heads turn in our direction.

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