Chapitre 3 - Tryouts

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I walked toward the entrance of the stadium with shaky hands. I couldn't believe this was it, I was finally here. I had been training all three years of college for this day. The cool air inside made the hair on my skin rise. I could see the trophies standing in the opening hall. This is where I wanted to be for the next few years. I was more determined than ever to show them what I had.

As we all settled into the main hall, I took notice of the girls around me, everyone was smiling and laughing. The excitement was contagious, and it dulled my anxiety momentarily. They were right. This was supposed to be fun.

The first part of the audition was improvising. We would walk up to the stage in front of eight frowning judges and dance for a full minute. I had practiced for this the entire week. It might not seem like it but pitching yourself in one minute through dancing was very challenging.

The number I had been given was pinned to my shirt '98'. Let's hope it was my lucky number.

Girls went on the stage and before we knew it, they were walking off. Soon enough, I was right next to the stage, watching the girls before me, while I waited for my turn, I could feel my heart beating rapidly and my hands begin to moist.

My eyes were glued to a redhead dancing in the middle of the five girls. Her moves were captivating, I would even say enchanting. I saw the judges pointing at her while nodding amongst themselves. I guess I wasn't the only one thinking that.

My turn came and I danced to my heart content, I smiled, twirled, and did as many tricks as I could in the short time frame. I tried to make eye contact with the jury hoping to see an approbation look. I was probably begging for attention with my eyes, but who cares, as long as they looked at me and kept their focus here.

The rest of the day went by without a glitch. Thank god. We had another round of improvisation, then we had a field performance where we had to learn choreography in just a few minutes. It wasn't easy and I probably made a few mistakes but overall, I felt quite happy with myself.

At this point, we were all back in the main room, waiting for the jury to deliberate.

"Don't bother waiting, you really sucked out there," a blonde girl said as she stood in front of me arms crossed.

"I beg your pardon?" I stood up to face her shocked by her attitude and the words that came out of her mouth I wasn't sure I heard right in the first place.

"Great not only are you a sloppy dancer but you're also deaf, I'm sure the sports commentators are going to love this one," she continued in her nasty nasal voice.

"Do I even know you?" I asked still quite confused as to why she had taken interest in me in the first place and went out of her way to attack me.

"No, but you should. Really don't bother staying here, if I was you I'd spare myself the humiliation and go home already," she huffed, before walking away. I didn't bother to follow her. I didn't need the additional drama. Clearly, she was a bitch.

I sat down against a nearby wall and looked through my bag for the newspaper I had bought earlier today. Maybe looking for a job would help me think of something else.

Cheerleading didn't pay enough for me to survive, but luckily the training schedules and game times didn't interfere with a job. It would be very tiring to do both, but in my case, I didn't have a choice. I was hoping to find something flexible for the duration of the training camp and then something more permanent where I could build on my Bachelor's degree.

I searched for a while but none of the listings here offered any flexibility, they were either nine to five jobs or in the evening which wasn't possible since training would be in the evenings. I sighed putting the paper next to me while I leaned my head against the wall behind me. This wasn't exactly helping me cope with stress. My savings had barely managed to pay my deposit and first month's rent, I couldn't afford not to have a job unless I wanted to get kicked out.

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