Chapter 29 - The call

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I woke up this morning feeling sore all over my body, no doubt another side effect from my imminent period. I hated this time of the month, it's like every feeling and every emotion were amplified ten times.

I sat up from my bed, feeling unmotivated. I didn't want to stand, I didn't want to eat, I just felt like staying in bed all day eating junk food and watching sappy movies. Unfortunately, this wasn't possible, I wanted to go over to Marketa's place today to check on Alisson.

It's been a week since she left Luke. Marketa was sending me regular updates on her condition and her mental state and I had gone over to comfort her a few times already. I received a text yesterday telling me she had started opening up about Luke. This was a huge step considering she had avoided anything related to him for the past couple of days.

Perhaps with both of our support today she would feel more at ease, or so we hoped. I always believed that talking was helpful, especially when it came to things that emotionally impacted us. The more we kept it in, the more it simmered until one day the emotion has amplified ten folds and the consequences were much more drastic than necessary.

I laid down on the couch at turned my phone back on. Yes I know I just woke up, but don't pretend you've never been in a very lazy mood. As I scrolled through the pictures on my phone, I passed through some of the last trips we had taken as a family. We'd been to Thailand in the summer, a few weeks before I told my parents I was going to pursue cheerleading.

My heart tightened at the sight of my mom. It's like I had nearly forgotten how beautiful she was. I felt my throat tighten as I thought back to both of them. I missed them, more than they would ever know.

We had our differences, especially during my teenage years, but they were still my parents and I held them in my heart no matter what. It was easy to complain, too easy even yet I didn't feel like I had spent enough time being grateful for everything they did for me. They were stern but they were great parents.

A single tear ran down my cheek as the memories of us laughing around a bloody game of jungle speed had finished flooded my thoughts. Mom had won like always and dad was still complaining that the shapes all looked alike, finishing by the typical 'I don't like this game'.

This whole distance thing going on was hard, harder than I initially thought it would be. I hadn't heard from my dad in weeks. No doubt he had been caught by my mom and chastised.

A knock on the door brought me out of my painful thoughts. Looking up to the wall, the clock read half-past twelve. I had been caught up in memory land for much longer than I thought.

I carefully stood up, pulling down on my skirt once I had straightened up. I quickly checked myself in the mirror, wiping away any sign of the tears that had resided on my face earlier.

"Hey, I brought Korean," Kyle greeted with a wide smile as he lifted the paper bag. In an instant, his smile turned to a frown. "What's wrong," he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," I answered walking back into my apartment as Kyle followed closely behind. HE set the food down on the kitchen counter before giving me his full attention.

"That's not what I asked," he countered. Somehow this situation felt oddly familiar. I stayed silent not knowing what to tell him. "You miss them," he suddenly said.

"I-How..." I turned around confused before seeing the light on my phone. It was lying face-up on the couch where I had left it, the picture of my parents clear on the display. Hearing him say my thoughts out loud was like a trigger that had been pushed and the tears came flooding out.

"Shh," he immediately whispered as he enveloped me in his comforting arms. "I hate seeing you like this Anya," he continued as his body tightened around mine. He let me cry on his chest for as long as I needed before we settled down on the couch.

"Why don't you call her?" he asked gently once I had settled down a bit.

"She won't answer, I'm sure she wants nothing to do with me at the moment. She doesn't even let my dad call," I revealed, my voice coarse from all the crying.

"Did she tell you all that? Can you be one hundred percent certain she won't answer?" he countered. "Look I know you know your parents much better than I do since I've never spoken to them, but I've always been told that when you assume things you make an ass out of you and me, or at least that's what my management teacher always use to say."

I chuckled at his rambling, but at the same time, I listened. I guess I couldn't be certain, who knows maybe I was wrong. Maybe she would answer. Slim chances sure, but what did I have to lose?

"What do I have to lose?" I voiced out my earlier thoughts. "If I call and she doesn't answer well at least I know I tried and if she answered which I doubt she will then..." then what?

"Then you get to talk to your mom for a few minutes," he filled in for me. I quietly nodded.

Before I could chicken out, I unlocked my phone. With trembling hands, I dialed a number I had known by heart for my entire life. My stomach twisted in knots with each ring. After hearing the ringing tone a couple of times, I realized I had been right. She wouldn't pick up. I was about to hang up when the ringing stopped.

My heart pounded in my chest at the thought of speaking with my mother again. I couldn't believe she picked up!

"Hey mom," I greeted timidly, as I walked down the hall and into my bedroom.


As I made my way back out more than an hour later, I noticed Kyle sitting on my couch his head down looking at his massive football folder. He stayed, just like he promised.

I didn't waste any time before straddling him, earning myself a startled look. I smiled widely at him. I couldn't believe I just had a conversation with my mom after all this time. It was like a weight had been lifted off my chest and this was thanks to the man sitting in my living room.

"Thank you!" I whispered into his ear before dropping my head down so our lips would meet. His hand naturally went to my waist where he pulled me closer to his body. His grip tightened, making shivers run down my spine.

"I take it, it went well," he said once we had separated to breathe.

"Very," was all I said before he flipped us over, placing me down on the couch while he settled himself between my legs.

"Good. I'm. Glad," he said as he trailed kisses down my neck. I didn't hesitate to lift his shirt high enough to slip my hands beneath them. I don't think I would ever get tired of tracing his defined abs. All that working out sure showed, and damn did I love it.

I could feel his muscles contract under my touch as I let my fingers explore the covered skin. I took my time playing with the hem of his boxers.

"You have no idea what you do to me," he whispered in my ear, his voice strained from the self-control he was exercising. I teased him further by lifting my hips to meet his hardened member, making him groan out in pleasure.

"I'm sure I do," I countered, moving my hips in circles to create additional friction. One of his hands came down to stop my motion while the other continued to keep most of his weight off of me. Except, one hand wasn't close enough if he wanted to subdue me. I was feeling much too playful today.

"I guess food's just going to have to wait a while longer," he whispered as he took control over my body.


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The FULL BOOK is already available on my Patreon: (the link is in my profile)!!

Question of the week:
- Use three words to describe your relationship with your parents.

I can't wait to get the next chapter out for all of you <3

xoxo Cloclovilla

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