Confrontations, Understandings, New Friends, and Breakups

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Hermione's POV

"Harry. Look." He looked up and saw Malfoy coming towards us. I couldn't tell if he was angry but his posture told me he was. Harry stepped in front of me, protectively, and stared at Malfoy. He walked up to us avoiding Harry altogether. 

"Granger, I need to talk to you. It's important." He said expressionlessly.

"Leave her alone Malfoy," Harry growled.

"Calme down Potter. I'm not gonna hurt your girlfriend. I just have to talk to her about the Potions essay that is due tomorrow. " He said with a smug smirk on his face.

"Oh shit! I totally forgot about that!" Harry looked at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. I sighed and said he copy my essay. He smiled, kissed my cheek, and ran off to do just that.

"What do you want Malfoy? You finished your essay with me two days ago. So what is this really about?" He grabbed my arm and dragged me into an abandoned classroom, locking the door.

"Tell me everything that happened last night." 

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me Granger! It's beneath you and Pansy told what you did! So just come out with it!" He screamed at me. His icy-blue eyes staring into my soul.

"Okay! Okay! Calm down! Jeesh Malfoy you have angry management issues. I got in a fight with Ron and needed to vent and I thought no one would be in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom so you can imagine my shock when I opened the door to a crying, shaking, and naked Pansy Parkison!" He sighed, ran his hands through his hair looking almost scared. 

"Was there anyone else in there with you?"

"No. Just me."

"What next?"

"I took her to the Room of Requirments, healed her, and fell asleep. She had a bad nightmare so I calmed her down and I left before she woke up." He sat down on the floor with a relieved sigh.

"If you tell anyone what happened I will make you regret it. She's been through enough." He said standing up and getting in my face, completely serious.

"Oh for the love of Merlin Malfoy! Do you honestly think I am so tactless that I would tell everyone I see! Unlike some people, I don't bully others for shit they can't change or control!" I yelled back, staring him down. He looked at me stunned at my outburst. But then he smirked and chuckled. 

"Okay. I deserved that. Look, I'm sorry. I was a bratty and jealous child and I had no right to treat you that way. You have proven more than once you are not less than me just because of your parents. I was being childish. So truce?" He sincerely asked holding out his hand for me to shake. I looked at the appendage like it was going to burn me but took a deep breath and shook his hand.

"Truce." We shook hands and he smiled at me.

"Thank you. For helping her. She's been through a lot and I was so worried about her. She's like my little sister and I have to protect her."

"It's alright. I won't tell anyone. Promise. Scout's honor." He looked at me confused. "It's a muggle thing." He shook his head with a small smile and turned to leave. "Hey Draco?"

"Yes Hermione?"

"Tell Pansy that if she ever needs someone to talk to I'm here for her." He smiled, nodded and left.


Hermione's POV 

I walked into the Gryffindor common room after my talk with Malfoy and sat on the couch with a sigh. Harry smiled and sat next to me, playing with my hair. "I'll tell you later," I answered his unspoken question. He nodded and of course, the red-headed bastard himself walked in and sat down on the couch next to Harry. Ron grunted when he looked at me. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"So where were you, Hermione?" He asked angrily.

"Why do you care Ronald?"

"Because! I know you've been sneaking around with Malfoy for weeks!" He stood up and shouted at me. At this point, everyone in the common room was staring at us and I was fed up with his antics.

"Ronald Billus Weasly! For the last ever-loving fucking time! I! AM! NOT! HAVING! SEX! WITH! MALFOY! We are Potions partners and the only time we have to study that works for both of us is at night! I'm sorry you are so insecure that you feel the need to constantly accuse me of screwing every boy I lay my eyes on! I have had it up to here with your shit!" I pushed his chest away, fuming and if looks could kill he would be dead ten times over. "WE ARE DONE!" I stormed up the stairs to my dorm shouting over my shoulder, "Shows over assholes!"

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