Silent No Longer

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Draco's POV

"So you're telling me that Severus Snape, the man who makes a point of making Harry Potter's life here as hard as he can, saved him from an abusive home? And I never noticed? Do you know how many times I have stayed at my godfather's home over the course of this year? I would have seen him there." Why would he keep this from me? It's not like I would do anything to Potter if someone was hurting him, so why?

"I already told you Draco. I can't tell you the whole story because it isn't my story to tell. If you would shut up for more than five seconds I will tell you what I can." Hermione pinched the bridge of her nose as she took deep breaths. I understand why she is frustrated, I would be too if someone I just started trusting wanted the details of my best friend's trauma. I was about to snap back at her out of habit but Blaise grabbed my shoulder to stop me. 

"I think what my boyfriend is trying to say," he glared at me slightly, "is that all we want to know is how Snape got involved in this, you don't have to tell us anything that Harry wouldn't want you to say." She looked around at both of us and slouched taking a deep breath. 

"When Harry came out to me, I was worried about him. I always knew that his uncle was verbally and possibly physically abusive to Harry. I had suspicions but Harry wouldn't tell me anything. But when we started 3rd year my suspicions were proven right and that was one of only times in my life I wished that I was wrong with every fiber of my being. I knew Harry wouldn't want me to tell Ron's parents and I knew Dumbles wouldn't do shit so I went to Snape. I had to tell someone or I was going to burst! I had to find someway to protect him."

-------------THIRD YEAR (In Hermione's POV)-----------------------------------------------------------

I took a deep breath and rose a shaking fist to knock on Professor Snape's door. "Professor?" I asked quietly.

"Come in Miss Granger. I hope it's urgent considering you are out of bed after curfew."

"It is sir." I pushed open the door and stood in the middle of the room after closing it. I didn't know whether to sit down or run right back out the door.

"Sit Miss Granger, before you pass out in my office." I sat down with a harsh thump trying to calm my rapidly beating heart.

"I-I have something to tell you, I don't know if you'll believe me or not but I can't keep this to myself anymore." I said with tears in my eyes. He didn't say anything for a few minutes but he sighed. I looked up and his cold expression was gone. His eyes softened and his posture became less rigid. 

"Miss Granger? Are you having problems with anyone? Are things at home difficult?"

"It's not me sir. It's Harry." I could almost feel the tension return to the room. "I know what you're going to say but I need you to hear me out, he's going to kill him."

"Who Miss Granger? Who could possibly kill Harry Potter?" He sneered at me.

"His abusive uncle who rapes him for being gay!" I screamed. I don't know why, I just needed him to listen to me! He looked at me in stunned silence, almost as if he was waiting for me to take it back. I didn't.

"How do you know this?"

"Because I just spent the last four hours trying to calm my best friend after a PTSD episode, which during that episode I had to hear him scream about how much he wanted to leave his uncle to leave him alone and that it hurt! I came to you because I thought you would help, you are the only professor in this hell hole that I knew wouldn't go to Dumblefuck. So are you going to help him or did I waste my time?"

"Miss Granger, I want you to know that no matter my feeling towards Mister Potter, I would never abandon a child if they were being abused." He stood from his chair and came to crouch in front of mine. "I applaud you for coming to me, I understand how difficult it must have been for you to do so. You are a good friend to him." He walked back to the door and smiled at me. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention Miss Granger. I will do anything and everything I can do to help him, even if I have to go get him myself." He opened the door for me. "You may go back to bed now Miss Granger," he handed me a curfew pass. "For if you're caught. Goodnight Miss Granger."

"Goodnight Professor, thank you for listening."

"Anytime. Keep me informed if the situation gets any worse." He handed me a silver token. "Use this to contact me whenever you need me."

"Yes sir." I left, feeling both relieved and guilty.


"After I talked to him, he started to watch Harry closely. He was waiting for the right time to step in. But one night, Harry didn't come to dinner, I tried to get him to come but he just wouldn't. I was so scared I couldn't even eat, I went back to the dorms but Harry wasn't there. I panicked and started frantically looking for him. I found him unconscious in the Owlery, he was bleeding out. I used the token and Snape brought him to the hospital wing. I don't know what happened inside because I had to wait outside. When I was finally able to see Harry, he told me Snape was taking him in. That's all I know." The room was quiet, our heavy breathing being the only noise we could hear. Pansy was frozen on the spot, Draco Blaise were clutching each other's hands as if they were each other's lifelines. Draco was the one to break the silence.

"Why couldn't you tell Dumbledoor?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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