The Worst Is Yet To Come

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TW: homophobic language

Hermione's POV

After my explosion of emotion, I sat on my bed reading Hogwarts: A History for the fourth time when I heard a tapping on my window. I turned to see Hedwig flying outside. I opened the window and she started flying around my head. "What is it Hedwig? Is it Harry?" She flew in front of my face to answer my question. "Take me to him." 

I chased Hedwig down many corridors until we reached the Owlery. Hedwig sat by Harry nudging him lightly but he didn't move. His knees were pulled to his chest and he was breathing heavily. I sat down a few steps away from him and talked in a soft low voice. "Harry? Can you hear me?" He nodded. "Can I hug you?" He nodded again. I scooted closer to him and pulled him to my chest. I rubbed his back until he was ready to talk.

"They know. They all know." He whimpered and curled into me.

"They know what Harry? What happened?"

"After you stormed off Ron kept running his mouth. When I defended you and unintentionally Malfoy, he called me a fag. I just lost it. I screamed at him, coming out to the entire common room in the process. I just took off. I ran here and sent Hedwig to find you. What am I going to do Hermione? The whole school will know by morning!" I held him close and kissed his head.

"It'll be okay Harry. You'll always have me and you're not the only gay man in Hogwarts." He sniffled and nodded.

"You're right Hermione. You always are." I ruffled his hair and stood up.

"Come on Harry. I know you haven't eaten today and I'm starving." He took my hand and we walked to the great hall. He kept his head down and tried to ignore the whispers as we walked.

"You know. There is a bright side to all of this." He looked at me confused.

"And what would that be?"

"Well, you're gay. Malfoy's gay."

"Right, uh huh. Like that would ever happen."

"Come on Harry! You've had a crush on him since you were 13."

"Wanna yell a little louder? I don't think You Know Who heard you."

"Harry. For once in your life, think about yourself. You deserve to be happy. You couldn't do it in fourth year. Don't look at me like that! I know that you were going to ask him but you were too scared of what other people would think. Harry, after everything you've been through in your life don't you deserve to have this one thing?" He smiled and hugged me tight.

"That's why I love you Hermione! You always know what to say." I chuckled.

"It's a talent I suppose. Now come on! I'm hungry." I dragged him into the great hall. 

The hall fell silent as Harry and I walked in. People staring at us with mixed expressions. I took Harry's hand in mine and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Neville and Ginny sat down next to us with smiles on their faces. Harry couldn't even look at Ginny. She tapped him on the shoulder.

"So it's true then? You're gay?" She asked once he looked at her. Harry nodded.

"I'm sorry Ginny."

"Sorry? What for? Harry, I look at you like my brother. And besides, it would be pretty hypocritical of me to not accept you when I'm gay myself wouldn't it?"

"You- I- What?" She laughed loudly and hugged Harry.

"Harry Potter. You may be the Chosen One but you're the most oblivious person I have ever met. I'm gay. And I've been dating Luna for about three months now." We all chuckled at Harry's stunned silence. Neville patted Harry on the back and we all smiled at each other. I kissed Harry's cheek and started to eat.

Across the hall, I saw Pansy staring at me. I nodded to her with a smile and she smiled back.

Pansy's POV

I smiled at Hermione. The smile stayed on my face as I continued eating. Blaise and Draco both shared a look before they continued to eat. "What?"

"Nothing nothing. Just can't help but notice you haven't stopped smiling since a certain Gryffindor looked over here." They both chuckled at my blushing cheeks.

"It's okay Pans. You're secrets save with me and Dray." Blaise said pinching my cheeks.

"Right, if you both are done bullying me I would like to continue eating." I rolled my eyes and was about to eat when I heard a familiar sound that made my bones cold with fear. A large black eagle owl dropped a letter in front of me. The boys froze and looked at me with concern. Draco took my hand in his in a tight grip as Blaise opened the letter.

"It's blank. I guess he only wants you to read it." He slowly handed it to me.

                   Come home. Now.


"What could he want now?" Draco smacked the back of Blaise's head. He turned to me with a sad look and held me tight. 

"We'll be here when you get back. Stay strong. We love you." He whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek. I gave them both a smile before dashing out of the great hall and down to the common room. I stepped into the Floo and hoped that what awaited me when I got home would be over quickly.

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