Not Good!

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Hermione's POV

I sat in the Great Hall, trying to calm the racing thoughts in my head. I quietly ate breakfast, not wanting the boys to know I was here. I was still pissed at Ron. Apparently, since Malfoy is my Potions partner, I'm automatically sleeping with him! First of all, I wouldn't even touch his slimy ass with a ten-foot pole! Second, I would never betray Harry like that. I know that has a huge crush on Malfoy, but Ron doesn't. We both know that he will not like it and just make the situation worse. I don't even think that I want to be with Ron at this point. My expression must have given me away because I look up feeling a pair of eyes burning my skull. Harry looks at me with a concerned look. "Hermione?"

"What Harry?" I snapped. He gave me an unamused look.

"What did he do now?" He said putting his head in his hands, propping his elbows on the table.

"He accused me of cheating on him with Malfoy." He looked at me shocked but silent. Then he got up and walked out! I chased after him, grabbing his arm. "Harry! Wait a second!"

"Just leave me alone Hermione! How could you do that!?" He turned to me with tears in his eyes, looking betrayed. I sighed and pulled him into a hug. I wasn't mad at him for thinking that, with all the abuse he's suffered. I knew that he would jump to conclusions but I thought he would let me explain before getting upset. 

"Harry," I whispered in his ear. "I would never to do that to you. I wouldn't touch Malfoy voluntarily under any circumstance. Yuck! He's all yours, I don't want him." He laughed and pulled away from the hug rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry." He said looking at his feet embarrassed.

"It's okay. You were upset."

"So what happened after he yelled at you?" My heart skipped a beat at that question. 'Do I tell him about Parkinson? Will he keep it a secret? Knowing Harry, probably not.' 

"I just needed to take a walk. I ended up sleeping in the Library."

"I'm sorry Hermione. I don't know what has gotten into him these last few days."

"It's fine Harry but I think I need to break up with him." He looked at me shocked at first.

"If that's what you think needs to happen then I'll stand behind you no matter what." I smiled and gave him a big hug.

"Thanks Harry!" We hugged for a few minutes and I look over Harry's shoulder to see Draco Fucking Malfoy coming towards us with a cold expression.

This is not good!

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