What The Hell Am I Going To Do About Granger?

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Pansy's POV

When I woke up I realized Granger was gone, my back was healed, and I was very late for breakfast. I got out of the abnormally large bed and ran as fast as humanly possible to my dorm. "Oh my Merlin! I am a mess! Where's Draco when I need him?! Oh I know where he is; he's at breakfast like you should be Parkinson! Now I'm talking to myself!" I screamed at my reflection as I hurriedly did my hair and makeup. I packed my bag and ran from the girl's dormitories all the way to the Great Hall. I threw my bag down on the table and stole Draco's scone because for once in my teenage life I was starving!

"Pansy! Where were you!? I was worried sick!" Draco screamed throwing his arms around me in a protective hug but he instantly let go after hearing a pained whimper escape my mouth. His blue-gray eyes went from shocked to sad to pissed in mere seconds. He shrunk two plates of food, put them in his bag and grabbed both his and mine; he took my hand in his a dragged me to his private room. "When? Why didn't you come back? I looked all over this hell hole for you Pansy!" He screamed at me, pacing. I said nothing after a few seconds because I didn't know what to say. "Pansy! Talk now!"

"Okay Draconis! For the love of Merlin! It was very late last night. He wanted to see me and you know what happens when I say no to him so I went down to see him and well he wasn't happy. He found my journal." I said pulling my knees to my chest.

"You mean the journal you've had since third year?" Draco asked sitting closer to me.

"Yes. And he read everything in it. Even about her. He hurt me so bad Dray. He hasn't hurt me like this in a long time. I couldn't move for hours." I said shaking, nearly in tears.

"Oh honey. Come here." He said pulling me into his arms and running a hand through my hair. "But why do I have this horrible ache in my stomach telling me that that's not the worst part?"

"It's not," I said looking down trying to hold back tears."Granger knows."

"What? How? Has she told anyone?"

"How the fuck should I know if she has?! Last time I checked asshole Hermione fucking Granger and I aren't exactly the very best of friends! And she came into the abandoned bathroom ranting and raving about Weaslebee and saw me naked and crying under a sink! Then she picked me up took me to the Room of Requirment, cleaned up my wounds and I practically fell asleep on her after crying like a newborn baby!" I screamed and then started to sob into his shoulder. He rubbed my back whispering soft nothings into my ear. "What am I going to?" I whispered.

"You need to talk to her. You have to make sure she says nothing."

"I know I should but..."

"But you don't want things to go back to the way they were."

"Draco..She is the only person besides you and Blaise that actually cares about me. She made feel safer than I have ever been. She held me after my night terror. She healed me. Only you've done that." Draco sighed and held my hands. 

"I know honey but I don't want you to get hurt okay. Just be careful."

"I will. Draco?"

"Yeah, Pans?"

"Never leave me behind. Please." I said tearing up.

"Pansy. You're my best friend and I love you very much. I'll always be here for you. I promise." He said wrapping his arms around me. "Now that that's out of the way I'm starved!" He exclaimed removing the shrinking spell on our plates. "Eat flower. You'll need the energy." Said the blonde boy beside me as he chewed on his biscuit.

"Thanks Dray. You're a star. Now gimme those pancakes!" I said smiling, but as I ate one thought was running through my brain...

What the hell am I going to do about Granger?

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