The Aftermath

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TW: implied r@pe & abuse

Draco's POV

Four hours. It had been four hours since Pansy returned home. She should have been back by now. He never kept her this late. I shudder thinking about what he could be doing to her. Blaise sits on my bed watching me pace around my room. 

"Drake! You're making me dizzy! Sit down before you pass out." He dragged me to sit down next to him. 

"She should have been back by now. What if this is it Blasie? What if it's too much for her this time? What if-" 

"Draco!" He gripped my arms to look at him. "You can't think like that. You know how you get when you do. Our Pansy's strong. She'll be okay. And we'll be here for her. We always are." He held my cheek tenderly in his hand. My eyes filled with tears as I leaned into his touch. Without thinking I reached out and pulled into a deep kiss. He responded by deepening the kiss.

"Draco...this is a bad idea." He said after we pulled away from each other.

"A terrible idea." He pulled me back into a kiss, climbing on top of me. We both knew we shouldn't. But we didn't care. We both needed this.

TIME SKIP (cus I can't write smut)

Blaise's POV

I ran my fingers through Draco's hair as he slept. Guilt gripped my heart as I looked at the peaceful look on his face. We shouldn't have done it. We both agreed that we were better of as friends and yet here we are. I love him. I always have. He let out a small noise as he arose from his sleep. "Hi." He said, his voice rough with sleep.

"Well hey there sleeping beauty." He glared at me before cuddling into my chest.


"Yes Draco?"

"I'm sorry. For what I said that night. I was wrong. I do love you."

"I love you too." He kissed me again. I missed him. I wanted him to be mine again. "So you think we could try again? Us?"

"I would want nothing more." We leaned in to kiss each other once more when we heard the Floo downstairs. Pansy was back. Draco and I practically fell over each other getting out of bed and running down the stairs.

We both stood in pure shock seeing Pansy curled up a tight ball naked and shaking. We ran to her to try and help her but she crawled away from us screaming once we got close. I pulled Draco behind me and backed up.

"W-what did he do to her Blaise?"

"I don't know Dragon. But I need your help okay?" He nodded. "Whatever happened she is too scared for us to help her. Find Granger. You're the only one who knows where the Gryffindor common room is. Didn't you study there with Granger once?" 

"Yes, I did. But just because I know how to get there doesn't mean I can get her to come with me without people asking questions."

"We don't have any other choice Draco. Go. Now." He nodded and ran out of the common room. I sat on the couch and covered my ears, trying to drown out the whimpers and soft sobs coming from my best friend.

Draco's POV

I ran down the corridors as fast as I could until I reached the Gryffindor common room. The portrait sneered at me, refusing to let me in. After what felt like hours of pleading with her, she finally left to go fetch someone. And who else to open the portrait except for Harry fucking Potter!

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