Scars. Fear. Anger

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Hermione's POV

I held Pansy in my arms as I stealthy walked down the many corridors to get to the Room Of Requirement. When we reached the intricate door I paced in front of the door three times thinking to myself, "I need a place that is comfortable and equipped to take care of wounds. And it needs to be stocked with healing potions." The door opened and it was perfect. It had two beds; one twin and one queen. The queen was obviously for Pansy so she would have room to get comfortable. To my right, I saw a bathroom with a large tub that moved water like a whirlpool to relax her tight muscles. About four feet away from the beds there was a mahogany table with baskets of fruits and scones. Tucked away in the corner was a long, dark brown desk with a cauldron and an open potion book; above it was a short shelf lined with the potions I needed to heal Pansy. I carefully pulled the cloak off of her and gently tucked her in bed and sat on my bed to catch up on my homework; catching quick, concerned glances at her sleeping figure.

Pansy's POV

-------------------------------------------------Dream Starts GRAPHIC-------------------------------------------------

I woke up in a dark room with my wrist and ankles chained to the wall. Fear overwhelmed me as I frantically fought to free myself. My heart raced as I heard footsteps coming towards me. I started to cry as I came to look at the silhouette of my captor. The shadow grabbed my face and yelled in my face. "Is the little girl scared?!", my fear multiplied by tenfold as the figure began to hit my naked body. I knew he was whipping me across the chest as I saw the bloody and malled skin the whip left behind. I screamed and screamed. I want this to end! The shadow man's hand morphed into a white-hot fire poker. He forced my legs apart and almost gently branded both of my thighs so many times I lost feeling in my legs. I felt myself going in and out of consciousness when he wrapped his hand around my fragile neck. Squeezing harder and harder.

"STOP! PLEASE! IT HURTS!" I yelled as I thrashed and fought against the chains. I felt him tighten his grip as I slipped into darkness.

-------------------------------------------Dream Ends---------------------------------------------------------------------

I shot up with a terrified shout. I sobbed loudly as I saw Granger staring at me looking scared shit-less and concerned. She tenderly touched my shoulder and rubbed it in soothing circles as I calmed down. "Thank you," I said in a small voice. She smiled at me with worry in her eyes.

Hermione's POV

I rubbed her shoulder and tenderly moved her messy black hair behind her ears. The scared look in her eyes made me want to inflict dreadful amounts of pain on the person who hurt her. "Your welcome. Are you okay?" I asked her softly as I wiped the drying tears from her face. She nodded and leaned into my hand for an instant the jerked her head away like I had burned her. I helped her dress in a baggy soft t-shirt and boxer shorts. "Pansy," she looked at me, "can you lay on her stomach so I can put this healing paste on your back?" She said nothing as she layed on her stomach and lifted the shirt over her head and buried her face in the pillow. I gently massaged in the paste on her back. She tensed while I was rubbing her back, but after the cooling effect of the paste set in she relaxed with a long sigh. I could hear her breath evening out as she slowly fell asleep. I put the paste away, tucked her back in bed, wrote a note and put it on the table. With one final glance, I walked out.

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