I'm screwed

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TW: homophobic language

Harry's POV

I sat on the couch in stunned silence as Hermione stormed up the stairs. I had never seen Hermione become so angry since I'd known her. I didn't know what to do. Do I go after her? Do I let her cool off on her own?

"Can you believe her Harry?! She has the nerve to call me insecure!" Ron screamed sitting on the couch next to me. He crossed his arms resembling a bratty child having a tantrum. I scooted away from him and fidgeted with my fingers.

"Ron...She has a point." I flinched harshly when he turned to me with a rough turn of his head. "You only assumed she was sleeping with him because they were studying. And instead of talking to her, you just screamed and wouldn't listen to her. You even got in Malfoy's face about it. And when he completely denied it, you tried to punch him. Besides, everyone knows that Malfoy and Zabini were in a relationship until this year." Of course, he wouldn't know that because Ron is as dumb as a boom. Or he would ignore it when we passed them snogging in the halls.

"Shut up Harry! What's with you defending Malfoy all of a sudden? You a fag?" I looked at him in shock. I was gay but I never told him that. Ron is one of the most homophobic people I know.

"I'm not defending Malfoy! I'm defending Hermione! She has done nothing wrong! You're the one who is in the wrong! You are the one who can't get it through your thick skull that she loved you! She gave you everything she had and you spat in her face! And so what if I am gay!? At least I know how to treat someone I love!" I stood up and got in his face. I was so angry that I was fearless. "I may be gay Ronald Billius Weasley but at least I know a good woman when I see one! And you just lost one!" With one last glare, I turned and walked out of the common room. I stormed down the halls shoving everyone else out of my way. I was seething! The nerve of him! Why I ever thought he and Hermione were a good match is beyond me! I turned down the hall to stomp down the stairs when I collided with another person, falling halfway down the stairs.

Draco's POV

I was leaving the library after studying with Blaise when someone crashed into me on my way up the stairs. I groaned loudly as I sat up. I shook my head dazed. "Merlin! Watch where you're-" What the hell!? Did Potter knock me over? Before I had a chance to get my barrings he ran off! I stood up, dusted myself off and walked back to the common room. When I got back Pansy took one look at me and covered her mouth to keep from laughing. "Not one peep out of you Miss Parkinson. Not. A. Peep." I sat down next to her and she ruffled my hair.

"Seems like someone took a rather tumble." I batted her hand away and folded my arms. 

"It was Potter. He crashed into me like a rhino and took off in the other direction before I could say one word. He looked...off."

"Off? How do you mean?"

"I couldn't really tell. I don't even think he noticed that he fell. I can tell you one thing, he was pissed. He stormed off towards the Owlery."

"Maybe he needed to write a letter." She laid her head in my lap slowly. I knew she was still in pain from last night so I didn't question it. Pansy would never ask for comfort. She would just see how you would react. I ran my fingers through her hair and smiled as I felt her body relax.  I picked up a book off of the table beside the couch and read aloud until she fell asleep. 

And even though I tried, I couldn't get what happened with Potter out of my head. I'll have to ask Gran-Hermione about it when we study tonight.

Harry's POV

I stormed up the stairs of the Owlery and called Hedwig to me. She chirped as I stroked her gently. Her soft feathers cooled my temper. "Hey girl. Am I glad to see you." She ruffled her feathers almost as if she was confirming what I said. I sat down with a sigh, running my hands over my face. I can't believe I just came out to the entire Gryffindor house. Oh Merlin...I came out. I came out! The whole of Hogwarts will know the great Harry Potter is gay by morning! What am I going to do?

Hedwig nudged my knee with her head as to scold me for getting lost in thought. "Can you do me a favor girl? Go find Hermione." I watched as she flew off and brought my knees up to my chest.

I'm screwed.

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