I couldn't believe it. Hunter was here and in human form! And how gorgeous he was. He was like a dream come true. But I couldn't help but wonder, now that he was human formed, would he still want to be with me? Brady had said if I looked in the mirror I'd see his fear. Did he fear me? Fear not being with me? Maybe he feared I wouldn't care for him, or that I wouldn't feel the same as I did before. I didn't know the fear but it had something to do with me.

Lucy hugged him and he hugged her back. Ashton looked at me and at them. I was scared. What was I to expect? He was in wolf form for years and now he's in human form again. He spotted me and he came to me slowly. Lucy ran back to Ashton. Hunter stopped in front of me. He was still just in a towel. He smiled at me.

"Hello Nix," he said. His voice raspy and tingling. It made have cold chills. Hearing it for the first time in person.

"Hey, Hunter."

"So, now that you have seen my human body, what to you think?"

"I think you are still Hunter and I love being able to see you, for real," I said. He smiled and nodded.

"Well I need to get dressed so meet me in the dorm room, in one hour," he says rubbing my arm. I nod to him. He walks away and heads to the dorm. Lucy watches me as she smiles. Ashton grinned and nodded.

"Well, I guess in one hour we will see what Hunter is up to," Ashton says. They weren't going. But I would spill every detail with Lucy. Who was so excited for me.

I waited an hour like he said to. And when it came time, I ran to our dorm. I tapped on the door. He opened the doors to reveal himself wearing some jeans and a tight fitted tshirt. He was cooking something. It smelled Italian. And it smelled good. I wandered what it was. He was so happy to see me he even took my hand and led me inside. He poured me a glass of wine. It was really sweet and really good. He stared at me. He put slow classical music on.

"What is all this," I asked. He chuckled. Oh my god his laugh!

"I wanted to have a proper first date, spaghetti and meatballs, no garlic break, but I do have cheese sticks, and wine, I thought it would be a good touch to add salad too, I love healthy food," he said. I agreed with him.

"Hunter, are you saying you still care about me," I asked. He stopped in front of me and grabbed my hands.

"Of course I do, and since this is our first official date, I am going to let you, pick the next date, because I want you to do pick something you enjoy, as I enjoy cooking at home," he said. He walked away and told me to wait there. I did. Soon he came back with a rose and a letter. He told me not to open it until bed time. He said to sleep on it. And then he led me into the kitchen where two plates of salad sat at each side of the small two way table. He escorted me to a seat and scooted me closer.

"Eat, drink, and enjoy," he said sitting down in front of me. After we ate our salad we waited for the meatballs to finish. We talked about, our child holds, growing up, what foods we liked. And then we are the spaghetti. It was SO good. And he could cook! He would glance at me and smile from time to time. It was sweet.

"So, on a scale of one to ten how much did you enjoy yourself?"

"Hunter, this is more of an eleven, you outdid yourself," I said. He grinned.

"Nonsense, for you, I would overkill, you are to special for ordinary," he said. That made me feel so good. And he was being terribly sweet.

"Now, as a proper date I will tell you goodnight and hug you gently," he said doing just that.

"Thank you so much," I said. He nodded.

"It was nothing, but it was everything, to me," he said. He kissed my head. I felt electricity shoot through me. He felt it too.

We said goodnight and headed to our rooms. It was for him to be here and in his human form. I definitely had strong feelings for him. And he knew it. It was written all over my face. Anyone could see it. And if he stayed around and came to school then we would definitely find out how much he wanted to be with me. Or at least be around me.

Morning crept in my face. I didn't want to miss Hunter this morning. He was probably still sleeping. He hadn't been able to sleep good in so long. My clock sad seven-thirty. Still too early for me. But last night was a night to remember. And I would! I woke and dressed in a cute red sundress. It had yellow flowers on it. I put my flat black shoes on and brushed my wavy hair out. I entered the den. I smelled something cooking so I walked on into the kitchen. Hunter was standing in front of the stove. He was cooking bacon, eggs and toast.

"This smells good," I said. He looked at me. He wore a white tshirt and faded jeans.

"Well I figured we could have a brunch date, and then I can ask you when our next date will be," he said. He plated the breakfast. And sat on the other side of the table. I smiled.

"Well how about tomorrow night, we can go star gazing or take a moonlight stroll around campus," I said. He nodded.

"I like a moonlight stroll, it sounds more, wolf like," he laughed. His laugh was great. And he was great.

"I can't wait for all of our dates."

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