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The time had come, he had gotten past all of it, the anger, the denial, the pain, and he had finally found himself again. He was so warm hearted and kind. And it was time to leave this place. I said my goodbyes to all of our help, and Sage, and we were ready to portal back home, using him as the portal. I didn't know what people would say. I didn't know how they would react. But during the blue moon I would do what was right for me, I would create my own destiny.

"Are you ready Angel," he said. I took a good look at the cabin. We'd been here together a week our time, but two months his time. And in two months I was ready to tell everyone how they had misjudged him. They had all of it wrong.

"I guess we should go back, but remember only to my dorm, bot the cell not the courtyard," I said. He nodded.

I grabbed on to him. He held me tight. And in a second we were gone. The colors were so bright. But it didn't last long. Because we stopped just inside of my dorm living room. Where wouldn't you know it, Hunter, Ashton, Artemis, Lucy, Lucian, and all the others were waiting for us. Artemis was about to perform a binding spell when I stepped in front of Loki.

"Move out of the way Phoenix, they think I kidnapped you," he said. He pushed me aside.

"No, Loki, what are you doing?" I asked. Hunter looked at me with confusion.

"Phoenix, this is what I need, time in a cell, after everyone I killed this is a great punishment," he said. Artemis lowered his hands.

"You've, changed," he said. I stepped in front of him.

"Yes, he has changed, and he didn't kidnap me I forced him to teleport me elsewhere," I said. Artemis looked confused.

"Why would you do that?" He asked. Loki stepped in front of me.

"Because, she wanted to help me, after all, forgiveness is something every god should have, and give," he said. Hunter and Ashton stepped up.

"I don't care if she did help you, we were told you'd be put destruction, bind him," Hunter said.

"I was only gone two months in his time, and I seen a change in him that no one else has ever seen, he let it go, all of it, it wasn't his fault and he's paid by feeling this way, leave him alone," I said. Loki touches my shoulder.

"Phoenix, please, if they think locking me up will help, then let them, but they all know, I can't do any harm," he said, "because you've been etched in my soul, a good soul."

"Wait, are you saying-"

"Yes cousin, so if you want to lock me up fine, but remember, her destiny is her own, she chooses what she wants, and I already know both paths."

"Loki, don't do this," I begged. He smiled back at me. He was being genuine.

"No, we aren't locking him up," Ashton said. I looked at him. As did everyone else. Hunter decided to speak again.

"Ashton, man he's killed people, he brainwashed Phoenix into going with him, he's clearly got a hold on her and-"

"ENOUGH," Ashton yelled to him. Hunter fell back in line. But not without a glare to Loki first.

"Loki, you do not have to do this, you can defend yourself," Ashton said. Artemis was confused. He looked almost, hurt. Loki stepped up to face Ashton and Artemis both.

"It is no longer my place to judge, I can not hold judgement over myself for the things I have done, I will however say, I have not brainwashed anyone," he spoke. My heart began to beat faster. I was in shock and in fear. The blue moon was coming in a couple of days and Loki was letting them do whatever they wanted.

"Very well, Artemis, as the other god in the fold, how will you see his punishment," Ashton asked. Artemis looked at me and at Loki. But Loki never once looked back toward me.

"I think, some time in the dungeon, will do them both some good," Artemis said. I shook my head. My heart fell. Loki agreed with this! Why would he do that? All those weeks those two months together and he didn't care to be away from me now?

"Very well, Loki, it is your choice to be binded, you choose," Ashton said. Loki held his hands out. He wanted them to bind his power. Lock him up like a criminal. Everything he done was an accident.

"Very well," Ashton said looking at Artemis. Artemis pointed towards Loki and his hands were handcuffed with binding cuffs. I couldn't believe he would choose this. He would choose the cell over me. Maybe he didn't care about me at all. Maybe it was all a rouse.

"And as for Phoenix," Ashton said stepping up to me. I was in trouble big. But dad came out of the shadows. He looked very upset. I had never seen him this mad. Loki looked at me then and his eyes widened.

"She will be locked in a cell as well," dad said. Wait what?

"NO, SHE DID NOTHING WRONG," Loki yelled trying to get away from Artemis. Artemis jerked him back.

"On what grounds," Ashton said.

"On the grounds that she helped a prisoner escape," he said. Everyone looked at me. That's right. I did do that. I went in without anyone seeing me and I helped him escape.

"Wait, we know you two were somewhere, but how DID he get out, we never seen you there," Hunter said. I sighed.

"I did the invisibility spell, I masked my scent and I took the keys off the wall and I did help him, because no one else would understand him, but I did," I said. Loki looked at me and grinned. He didn't want me locked up but since he was throwing himself under the bus.

"Bind me, lock me away too, it won't change anything," I said. Dad came forward.

"You're right it won't, you'll always be a little girl. Always set in your way. Always so dramatic. Always trouble," he said. Those words stung.

"LEAVE HER ALONE," I heard from behind me. Mom came up behind me. Dad started to step down.

"What gives anyone the right to lock either of them up, so Loki chose this but did Phoenix, her heart was in the right place, since when do we give up on those, who have given up on themselves?"

"Now wait a minute, Loki was a killer-"

"Loki was a good man in love with a woman his father murdered because he didn't want them together, anyone would go on a rampage, especially in the hands of a demon," I spat out. Loki bowed his head. Oh that wasn't something he was ready for yet.

"Wait, his father killed someone, because they were in love?" Dad asked. I nodded.

"Yes, and I've been helping him, I'm sorry I tricked you, I guess that's something we have in common," I said. Loki looked up. Artemis looked from him to me. He then did something I didn't expect.

"Loki, I release you of your punishment."

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